15 Jan 2018

A question about : jobcentre summoned me, is 'voluntary'?

I'm on ESA (and DLA, but I don't think that's being questioned here). I have received a job centre letter asking me to attend an appointment to check that my claim of ESA is correct and that my circumstances haven't changed.

It says that attendance is voluntary, but I'm wondering if it would come back to haunt me if I don't go. I only have 5 days notice and it will be hard to arrange a means of transport. Is this an importance appointment to attend?

Best answers:

  • Contact them and say that you haven't been given enough advance warning because you need to arrange transport. I certainly wouldn't just ignore the 'invitation' even if it is voluntary
  • Don't give them an opportunity to sanction you. Contact them.
  • Which group are they in? WRAG or Support? They can sanction you in WRAG group if you do not go to WFI, this is stated on letter as I am in WRAG group. If in support group you need to tell them as apparently you don't have to go and should be left alone. Just what I have been told.
  • From what you have said this is not a WFI, it is a compliance check. It is nothing to worry about, and they may arrange for someone to visit you at home if you have difficulty attending.
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