08 May 2018

A question about : coworker enquiring about sexuality

How would you deal with this situation

Recently a female coworker asked me if I was gay and if I fancied men

Is this something someone could get warned about

Is this something one should brush off? Doesnt really bother me that anyone should ask this but should I tell her that someone could take offence and she could potentially get in trouble for such a question

Best answers:

  • Depends on the workin relationship and context it was asked but if there's any doubt about how it may have been received they shouldn't have asked.
    No it's not something one should brush off.
    Yes, tell her others could take offence and she could be in trouble as a result.
  • Some people are just nosey (myself included).
  • Tell them you don't wish to discuss that aspect of your private life. If you give a clear warning and they carry on then it is perfectly acceptable to ask your line manager to have a quiet word.
    It's not a disciplinary or offensive in itself to ask if someone is gay or straight anymore than it is to ask if someone is married or has kids. It only becomes a issue if they are making derogative comments or harassing about it.
  • Just come out of the closet and be done with it
  • I'm sure a clever barrister would argue that it is sexual discrimination IF that person isn't asking other people if they are heterosexual....lol
    OP, you should have answered using the old saying "no I'm not but my boyfriend is"
  • You can get some great Tshirts for that....
  • she sounds like she's eyeing you up for her next kid, so she can claim child support off you for the next 18 years.
    I wouldn't even reply to that, she sounds a vicky pollard type.
    Up to you how you handle it, either tell her to grow up, ignore her or report her.
    To ask someone that, when you don't even know them, it's obvious she is trying to make you uncomfortable and be nasty.
  • Its just strange as someone who is not bothered about anyone elses sexuality to be questioned about mine
    I didnt want to deny it because that justifed the question so I tried to deflect the conversation but she insisted until I was forced to admit I'm not gay
    Wish id stood my ground and refused to answer now though
  • maybe shes 'projecting' ?
    if you dont feel comfortable talking about your life outside work, then dont and tell her so
    remind her that this is a professional environment and to be more cautious in future
  • What a strange question to ask someone! Maybe that's just me.
    I would tell her to mind her own business and that yes she could offend people so suggest she doesn't ask anyone in future.
    I also cringe the other way around when we had an openly gay chap who came into work and basically told us on day one that he was gay...my answer to him was why would I want to know that, we are working together not planning to sleep with him plus we are all married/with someone so no one was interested anyway!
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