11 May 2018

A question about : Ssp

I am after some advice with regards to SSP. I have been off work since mid Feb 2005 and currently only receive the basic SSP. I have outgoings such as mortgage, utilities and general living costs to pay. My girlfriend only works 16 hours a week and brings in around Ј350 a month. There is quite a large shortfall between the amount coming in and the amount needed to go out. Is there any other benefits that I can claim. Also do I need to inform the WTC that I am on the sick and will any payment changes be straight away.

Best answers:

  • Re informing Inland Revenue, it's a good idea to tell them if you think you will be off work for a while. Payment changes won't normally change straight away unless there is a big difference in income (it was Ј2,500 for last year, I'm not sure if it's the same this year). Are you likely to be off work for a while? Do you intend to return to work?
    You should enquire about Council Tax Benefit through your local council.
  • For your hefty outgoings you will no doubt have taken out "insurance" so there wil be no worries on that score.
    Get your g/f to up her hours to full-time and cut out booze, fags, takeaways n gambling and you will be fine.
    That the government pays out CASH for nowt is a great benefit all part of a democratic society.
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