11 May 2018

A question about : Can you recommend any jobsearch sites?

At the moment, I use:


Any suggestions for any other good ones?

Best answers:

  • Try here https://www.worktrain.gov.uk - dwp based site, has lots of useful links.
    It's free, give it a try.
  • Do a search on google and type in your area and you should find 'local focus' sites which contain ads that have been in local newspapers or are available through local recruitment agencies.
    Good luck in your jobsearch
  • www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk
    you can specify an area or a radius of an area. Perfect for when you don't fancy a walk to the jobcentre!!!
  • What sort of job are you looking for...praps there might be some specialist sites
  • Try www.fish4jobs.co.uk It searches lots of agencies in a particular area and you can specify exactly what sort of work you are looking for.
    Good luck!
  • www.newscientistjobs.com
    is a good one if you are looking for scientific job
  • Ah yes, I already use each of those too, but thanks for reminding me!
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