10 May 2018

A question about : Sick or Quit?

Hi all

I currently have a full time job and also have my own business. The business is doing quite well and I've been thinking about leaving work to concentrate on the business over the last few months but due to personal circumstances thought it would be best to wait until June/July time. Now, I'm not having a great time at work and have management on my back about certain things and it's making going to work not something I want to do. I have warnings for being a minute late, warnings for walking out on my boss when he started being a **** with me and I also got talked to yesterday about the quality of my work even though I've been doing the job for 2 years and have never had any other complaints. Basically I don't feel wanted since the management took over a few months ago which is when the problems started so don't want to go to work any more. Basically, what I'm getting on to is that I'm considering going on the sick or quitting and maybe find a part time job for a couple of months until I know the business can support myself and family.
I have 2 kids (one 5 and one 3 months). My girlfriend is currently on maternity pay but that runs out in a couple of months.
So, what do you think is best in regards to my financial situation?

Best answers:

  • Anyone have any advice?
  • I wouldn't go on the sick and get a part time job elsewhere. It's dishonest and you could end up in serious trouble.
    If you really can't hack work anymore, quit and get a part time job.
    The summer isn't that far away, so I would be inclined just to keep my head down while I was there and get on with the job. You just have to stick it out for a few more weeks till July, and hopefully you can leave there.
    I know how you feel, as I was in a dead end job while setting up my self employment. I was itching to quit but had to stick it out till I had enough self employed money coming in. You have my sympathies!
  • You feel the current management are trying to push you out?
    Do you have anyone that can back you up?
    Is it affecting your health enough to quit?
    Thought about looking into constructive dismissal?
  • Yeah but what will happen? Are you talking about compensation etc???
  • It would be long and complicated (constructive dismissal) and you would have no guarantee of any money at the end. Keep your head down, don't be late and look forward to having your own business. You have hope, and a great future to look forward to!
  • I was forced to qiut my job of 10yrs +, by new management.
    I went to a solicitor and took my employers to an Industrial Tribunal, which took over 2 yrs to get to!
    The stress involved was incredible and I had to "Prove" everything that had happened. Lucky for me my husband is a union rep (because my own union told me "not to bother, you'll never win against them"), so I'd kept a diary and copies of everything they sent me.
    Of course, in my favour, being as they were a local council they hadn't kept anything.
    The hearing lasted 2 very stressful days, it was like being in court, I won my case and 2yrs backdated money and an offer of my job back!!!!!.
    So for 2yrs stress and fight, I just got what I would have done had I been working (which I'd rather have been doing), as I would have been stress free and no better off financially.
    I wouldn't recommed constructive dismissal as an option for anyone............only as a last resort.
    Stick with your job til June/July, start keeping a diary (they may be trying to out you in their actions), then move on.
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