11 May 2018

A question about : Am I entitled To Sick Pay at Part Time job?

Hi. I wonder if you can help. For three weeks after Easter I was unable to work, so I had to take time off from my full time job & my part time job. My full time job will pay me no problem, but apparently I am not entitled to SSP from my part time job because I already have a full time job? Please could someone shed some light on this?

I have been at both jobs for 2 years now, and always thought we did get sick pay - I have a doctors note & hospital discharge letter. I have spoken to the HR dept at my second job who are looking into it, but i wanted to get some advice too.

I appreciate your help.


Best answers:

  • Do you earn enough to pay NI in your part time job? If so, you should be able to claim SSP. The fact that you already have a full time job is not a valid reason for exclusion from the SSP scheme.
    From the DWP site -https://www.dwp.gov.uk/lifeevent/bene...ay.asp#caniget
    Scroll down to -
    "What else should I know?
    If you have more than one job you may be entitled to SSP from each employer"
  • Just a quick question on SSP - I also have two jobs, my second job is on a sessional basis with the local council. ie it means that they book to me to work as and when it's available. It usually varies between 5 and 25 hours per week but there's no set amount. If I was ever sick, would I be entitled to SSP? (Or SMP? Or holiday pay?)
  • Noozan
    Again it depends whether on whether you would have earned over the limit to pay NI. Your earnings over the last 8 weeks would be averaged out and if on average you would have earned over the NI limit, you should be entitled to SSP.
    Same goes for SMP, but the relevant earnings period is dependant on when your baby is due.
    I can't advise on holiday pay, what does it say in your contract?
  • If you have 8 jobs and in each job your average earnings per week are above the LEL and you become sick and unable to work you qualify for 8 lots of SSP !!!!
    Wether or not you qualify for CSP (company sick pay) depends on the terms and conditions in your written contract of employment!
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