13 May 2018

A question about : BenefitsandWork.co.uk

The BenefitsandWork website is no longer free to use and anyone wishing to access the very valuable information they have on their site will now have to pay Ј15 a year to become a member title=Mad

Best answers:

  • Some of the site is accesable for free. Personally I feel that the charge of Ј15.00 is worth every penny considering the amount of DLA that can be received following their advice! I am surprised they have not charged before.
  • I think this information should be free. On one page of the site it says members can download certain things because they have been released under the freedom of information act.... and then you have to pay to read it? That does not seem right to me. When people are looking into benefits they are quite likely to be getting less than they need to live on which is why they're wondering what they can claim in the first place. The ones who most need it won't be able to afford it.
  • There will of course be those that cannot afford the Ј15.00 , however anything released under the freedom of information act will be available elsewhere. As we have seen from other threads time and time again there are also those on benefits that wonder what they can claim not because they have not got enough to live on but because you might as well claim everything that is available. I am not knocking this.. I think everone should claim what is available for their situation. We all readily accept that we have to pay for good advise in a book..why does the same not apply to a website full of useful advice?
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