11 May 2018

A question about : Work Programme Advice Needed. Do I have to go back onto it?

Hi There,

Hope everyone is good? I will try and keep this as brief as possible. Ok I started on the Work Programme in October 2012 after being unemployed for 12 months. Anyway I managed to get some temp jobs in 2013 which only lasted for a few weeks at a time. When I signed back on at the dole after the contracts finished I had to go back onto the work programme each time.

Finally I started full time work again in February 2014 but as luck would have it I got made redundant in November 2014. I signed back on and my claim went thru for income based JSA in December 2014. I have been signing on fortnightly since then. My question is because I worked for 10 months but I am now back on JSA does this mean I have to go back on to the wretched Work Programme again? Sorry if this sounds complex, but I really don't want to have to back to that hell programme. I haven't contacted the WP since I have been back signing on as I thought the DWP would be in touch with them if needed.

Thanks for reading and I really appreciate any guidance you can give.

Mark title=Have

Best answers:

  • No the WP lasts for 2 years
    So from the time of your first appt there to 2 years on with or without any work in between is the length of the WP
    You started it in October 2012 so if you hadn't got a job you would have stayed in it till October 2014
    You were working till November 2014 so you do not go back on it
    You only went back on it all the other times as the 2 years had not expired
  • Thanks Charlotte and thank god, I ain't work shy at all but the WP was a nightmare really demoralising and just plain awful.
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