11 May 2018

A question about : Reference help needed

Hi all, was wondering if anyone could help me with advice on references on job applications.

I am currently a stay at home mum and have been since my daughter was born nearly 2 years ago (march 2013). Prior to that I was at university for 3 years (graduated January 2013). Ive not worked since December 2009 and in the 18 months before starting university I ended up doing 4 temp jobs through 3 different agencies lasting for 4 weeks to 4 months.

Anyway I am now looking for work and today I was starting an application form which asked for two referees with one having to be your current or last employer. My trouble is I'm not sure who I put. I can't recall any names of people I worked with and I wasn't there long enough for anyone to really remember me.

What is the etiquette with references? Are you supposed to ask your past employers before you put them down. Do you have to put specific names?

Its been a while since I was job hunting so not sure now how it all works! Any help would be much appreciated

Best answers:

  • I doubt many employers would really want a reference from someone who employed you for a few weeks five years ago anyway. Have you done any voluntary work or similar that could provide a reference that is more recent and more reliable?
    But in the end, when in doubt - ask the employer / their HR. What we think will be acceptable may not be what they think, and you aren't the only person in the world to have been out of work for a few years.
  • Could you ask a personal tutor at the university to provide a reference?
  • Thanks for the replies. I fear the requirements for a reference might be a bit of a stumbling block to finding employment.
    I suppose I could ask one of my former lecturers for a reference but I feel a bit funny about that as they don't know me that well. I have no problem with putting general contact details for anywhere Ive worked for a reference I jst don't know whether that is ok to do. I think I might have to ask the potential employer what is acceptable and explain my situation.
  • If you can, contact the company and ask, to find out whether they would rather have a very old reference from a former employer, or more recent personal reference.
    But whoever you name, you absolutely need to ask that person in advance to make sure that they are willing to provide a reference. It is very rude not to, and the last thing you want is to have a reference written by someone you have just annoyed by giving their name without asking them first!
  • Do you happen to know someone in a similar role you are applying for? If so perhaps you could ask them to be a referee and ask them to compare your skills to their own role. When I was in a customer services I was often asked to give references for friends and do just this.
  • ive done alot of temping you can ask the agencies that you temped for to give a reference, it wont be a personal one just where it may state that yet you worked at this that and the other company for however much time and if your conduct was ok. That sort of thing.
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