24 Feb 2018

Help with credit card application please

A question about : Help with credit card application please

I applied for a barclay card online and had a letter saying sorry but no.

That was 3 weeks ago and yesterday I had a letter saying congratulations, you can have one please just sign and return this and we will send it to you right away. With this form was what looked like a fax letter saying I have to supply details of my employer and my bank account.

25 Feb 2018

Credit Cards to take backpacking???

A question about : Credit Cards to take backpacking???

Hello there.
I'm a little bit head bashed trying to work out which credit card I am best taking around the world with me. I'm going to be spending 2 years traveling around South East Asia, Australia, New Zeland and Africa, and it has been suggested that I should take with me, a Mastercard credit card and Visa credit card.

23 Feb 2018

REVENGE! Make Free Cash from Credit Cards

A question about : REVENGE! Make Free Cash from Credit Cards

Hi everyone, I have taken advantage of the 0% on credit cards and have now got Ј25000 (spread over 6 cards) in an Alliance and Leicester Savings Account (5.1%). I did open a Cahoot Savings Account but they decided to close it after 1 week after I had tranferred money in to it (they said there were irregularities on my application - anyone else have that problem?).

My questions are as follows:

1. How many credit cards can you apply for - is it unlimited?

24 Feb 2018

Barclaycard 2.9% life versus 0% six months

A question about : Barclaycard 2.9% life versus 0% six months

Forgive me if I appear a bit thick here, but Barclaycard have just sent me some cheques to use before September to get 0% for six months with a 2% charge.

Now, I have only recently transferrred a sum at 2.9% for life, already paying a 2% charge for this.

My understanding is I would be crazy to take up this new offer. I am sure I will end up paying more in the end my doing so, even if I completely clear the card from other sources first.

Can any of you number crunchers out there clarify this?

21 Feb 2018

0% period ending, cancel card?

A question about : 0% period ending, cancel card?

I've been card tarting since earlier this year and my 0% period is nearly up on my first card. When I pay this amount off, is it best to keep hold of the card with a zero balance or cancel it completely?

I want to maintain 1) a good credit score, 2) have the opportunity to return to the same credit card company in the future on another 0% deal, and 3) make sure the next 0% card I apply for to replace this one gives me the highest credit limit possible

What's best?

21 Feb 2018

Which 0% card is easiest to get accepted for?

A question about : Which 0% card is easiest to get accepted for?

I know this is a very broad question, but does anyone know what the easiest 0% card is to apply for??


24 Feb 2018

Transfer query

A question about : Transfer query

Hi folks,

Here is a query for you.

I need to borrow Ј2500 on a short term basis.

I have just received the Barclaycard 0% offer for balances transfers.

I was going to use my Egg card, remove Ј2500 in cash and then transfer balance to my Barclaycard on their 0% offer.

First up will this work? ie can i transfer a cash withdrawal on a card to another card, will Barclaycard know this was for cash withdrawals or is it simply a balance transfer for them and will go through on the 0% deal?

Kind Regards

23 Feb 2018

Amex Platinum Charge Card

A question about : Amex Platinum Charge Card

Apologies if this has been discussed before, or if it is the wrong area.

I received an invitation to become a Platinum Charge Card holder yesterday and was wondering on peoples views on it.

The annual charge is a whopping Ј275 a year, but the benefits are potentially very good. However, most of the benefits have exclusions applied to them so I was hoping someone could tell me how good they really are in the real world, and whether the Ј275 is money well spent.

Best answers:
