25 Feb 2018

Increasing a barclaycard credit limit

A question about : Increasing a barclaycard credit limit

Hi folks, my b/c has a credit limit of Ј2900 and want to increase this say to Ј5000, how easy is it to have a credit limit increased?

19 Feb 2018

BT from one persons cc to another?

A question about : BT from one persons cc to another?

Is it allowed by cc companies to balance transfer from one persons card to another persons card to take advantage of a 0% offer?

The people in question are not related in anyway, merely friends.

Thanks people.

22 Feb 2018


A question about : Fraud......

Okay, this isn't really a money saving issue as such, but I know you all seem to know your stuff so thought I'd give it a go...
My Mum received her Capital One Credit card bill this morning, and she has three seperate charges of Ј30 where someones used it to top their phone up.
She's contacted Capital One who are sending her loads of papers to fill in, but does anyone know if she'd actually be responsible for this money, or is it the card issuers responsibility?
Any help would be appreciated....!

22 Feb 2018

SBT Cards

A question about : SBT Cards

Are there any new cards to do SBTs with on the market. Does anyone know of any others apart from Mint and Egg? Just finished with these two and none of my others do SBTs without incurring charges for them.
Other cards maxed out (for free cash - not debt).

22 Feb 2018

MBNA, Barclaycard, RBS increase interest rates

A question about : MBNA, Barclaycard, RBS increase interest rates

I have received a letter informing me than from September MBNA will charge another 2%pa on the standard rates on one of my cards with them. [That's 20.9% up from 18.9%]

Now I never actually pay any standard interest, so the change is pretty academic. But I wondered - is this the start of a trend of rising interest rates on credit cards? Will the 0% offers now start to dry up?

Any comments welcome !title=Smile

23 Feb 2018


A question about : Egg

Quoting from "another place" (as they say) ......


Last month I did a BT using Egg as the routing card which left the Egg account with a positive (very positive) balance way over the credit level. (6k credit limit, 15k positive balance)

They would only process the stooze if I kept to Ј6k max, ie. no positive balance beyond my credit limit.

25 Feb 2018

Wonderful Dilbert

A question about : Wonderful Dilbert

Sunday 8th August...



(if it's not Sunday 8th August when you read this, follow the 'read past strips' link which will allow you to see it).

Best answers:

  • Certainly made me chuckle ;D
19 Feb 2018

Mint Card

A question about : Mint Card

Hi - I'm after some advice

I have the following cards
Barclaycard Gold - Credit Limit Ј11,000
MBNA - Credit Limit Ј6,500
MINT - Credit Limit Ј5,500

I earn Ј18,500 a year and have a balance of Ј6200 at 0% until January 05 on MBNA which I pay Ј200 a month off. I intend to apply for an egg card (probably) in December to transfer the balance as I like the anniversary interest free offer. Would you recommend egg or something else?
