24 Feb 2018

A question about : Help with credit card application please

I applied for a barclay card online and had a letter saying sorry but no.

That was 3 weeks ago and yesterday I had a letter saying congratulations, you can have one please just sign and return this and we will send it to you right away. With this form was what looked like a fax letter saying I have to supply details of my employer and my bank account.

This is where my trouble begins hehe, I put down I was self employed so why are they asking for a letter on headed notepaper from my employer confirming my employement? Shall I just get my husband to write the letter on our headed notepaper saying I am employed by the company??

It is only a very tiny company not earning enough to be registered to pay VAT etc so I have no proof from that. I added in the maintenance payments I get from my ex partner and child benefit etc to give a total income as it is my total income but i can not prove I earn these via my small company as i dont however those payments do go into my bank account and my joint account with my husband.....here is where it gets confusing....

I applied for this card in my married name, however my sole account which I used on the application form is in my double barrelled name so it does show my married name but not on its own. My acounts with my husband are in my married name only but of course that doesnt match the account number etc.

helpppppp please, what is the best course of action to take or should I just ignore the letter sign the form send it off and hope for the best?

will they accept my ban statement even though it says mrs smith-jones and not just the jones of the application etc.

have i confused everyone?? i confused myself hehe!!

this is the third time I have been turned down for a credit card when applying yet had a letter after saying you can have one sign and complete etc and the other two times the cards arrived...do they double check applications or something?? or am i just lucky??

anyway any thanks any advice on what to do would be greatly appreciated as I need to get this card urgently to move some money around to get the 0%.

thanks again Helen

Best answers:

  • Ring them up and ask for clarification on all these points - check also that the card you've been offered is one with a 0% deal, in case they've switched you onto another.
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