25 Feb 2018

A question about : Credit Cards to take backpacking???

Hello there.
I'm a little bit head bashed trying to work out which credit card I am best taking around the world with me. I'm going to be spending 2 years traveling around South East Asia, Australia, New Zeland and Africa, and it has been suggested that I should take with me, a Mastercard credit card and Visa credit card.

It seems like the Nationwide credit card seems to be my best bet, but it looks like it's going to be a lot of effort (i'm a lazy person), switching my current account from the HSBC to take advantage it's benefits.

Is that the only decent credit card available? Or are there others? (I'm not over 50)

As well as that, I leave in a month, so do I have time to apply for these credit cards?

Any advice is appreciated!
Thanks!! ;D

Best answers:

  • Why would you have to switch your account from HSBC to Nationwide?
    When I went backpacking I took a Nationwide Credit card and had a First Direct bank account (a division of HSBC). I set the credit card to automatically be paid off every month from my bank.
    These days you can control everything online and I was surprised how often you can find internet cafes even in obscure parts of Africa.
    You have left it late to apply but should just have time.
    I suggest variety for your money. Credit card, Debit card, Travellers cheques, local cash, and a well hidden US$50 note for emergencies. I met a guy who came unstuck in Belize because he only had plastic and was upset to find there are no cash machines in the country!
    Have a good trip.
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