03 Jun 2016

Redundancy and pension

A question about : Redundancy and pension

I have worked in the NHS for over 40 years (since 1970). In 2008 I stopped paying pension contributions but carried working. In 2013, due to the NHS Trust being closed down (PCT) I was TUPED across to another NHS organisation. I was told that taking my pension should not make any difference in case of redundancy.

03 Jun 2016

Tupe and then immediate redundancy

A question about : Tupe and then immediate redundancy

My son has been informed that the company he works for has lost a contract that he works on.The new company who has won the contract will take all affected employees under TUPE. However there are no positions for these employees in the new employer so they will be made redundant at point of TUPE. My question is this . Can the new employer make people redundant on the day the TUPE takes place. I would have thought no consultation could take place until after TUPE.

Best answers:

    06 Jun 2016

    Redundancy money not received

    A question about : Redundancy money not received


    I've worked for my employer for 2 years and 2 months. I received
    a letter from him on the 5/11/2014, stating that the department I
    worked in would be closing and my role would be made redundant.

    I received a letter on the 5/12/2014 stating that I would receive 2
    weeks redundancy payment and my final salary payment on the
    31/12/2014 - my redundancy date.

    05 Jun 2016


    A question about : Redundancy/JSA

    Hey people

    Have not been in this situation before so don't know the ins and outs.

    02 Jun 2016


    A question about : Redundancy

    Hi all

    I've had a quick look on .gov and there is not a great deal of detail.

    I wondered if anyone in the know could spell out what (if any) statutory right I have to paid time off during my notice period for job hunting. And within that, what activities count? Looking in the job paper/on line? Going to agencies? Going to interviews? Going to business investors to discuss self employed opportunities? Seeking advise RE courses for retraining? etc etc!

    If someone could spell it out that would be most helpful.

    06 Jun 2016

    Being asked to quit.

    A question about : Being asked to quit.

    03 Jun 2016

    signed off. can I be sacked ?

    A question about : signed off. can I be sacked ?

    Need some advice.

    01 Jun 2016

    Income protection insurance

    A question about : Income protection insurance

    I took out income protection insurance about 3 years ago to cover me for sickness accident and redundancy. Now that i've been made redundant and want to claim they are teling me i'm not covered for redundancy and that i must have made a mistake when submitted my online application. DOes anyone know if there is a way that online applications can be viewed to check this. I am convinced it a mistake at their end as this is something i am obsessive about checking.
