27 Dec 2016

Train to St Pancras in August

A question about : Train to St Pancras in August

Am going to Eurodisney in August this Year and need to get the train down the day before due to an early start and wanted to know when is the earliest could book the train tickets ?

Am travelling 03-08-15 and returning on 08-08-15 with my wife and 7 Year old.Will be buying a Family and Friends travel card prior to booking.

Thanks for any replies title=Top

27 Dec 2016

Super Off-Peak return- Get off early?

A question about : Super Off-Peak return- Get off early?

Last week I purchased a 2-part return from London to Darlington and only used the outward part of my ticket (got a lift back). Next week I will again be getting a lift to Darlington but the day after I'll be going to Doncaster, which is on the same route.

As I'm not booked on a specific train and my ticket says Route: Any Permitted would I be able to use my return to get to Doncaster? (And even use it from Doncaster to London on the following days? I know that one is a long shot)

27 Dec 2016

Why Are Roads Called Roads if Bicycles Can Go On Them?

A question about : Why Are Roads Called Roads if Bicycles Can Go On Them?

If bicycles can go on roads then why aren't they called bicycleroads? It makes no sense to just call them roads and then allow bicycles on them.

And the white rectangular stripes that run down the middle? Have you noticed how they are roughly the same shape as a car when viewed from above? That's not a coincidence. That means that roads are for rectangular objects only, like cars and trucks.

01 Jan 2017

Cycle 2 Work Scheme: Help me choose!

A question about : Cycle 2 Work Scheme: Help me choose!

Hi all. The time has come to say see ya to London public transport and hop on the bike to commute to work.

I have a cycle 2 work scheme with work, allowing me to save the tax off a new bike etc.

31 Dec 2016

APC tickets before 3 months

A question about : APC tickets before 3 months

I need to book/check the return part of a journey (from B'hm to Chester on June 12) but neither RSH (Red Spot.. H) nor Split Ticket will allow a search. However I know that I can get a price and book this ticket at a low price from a local (Gobowen) station, and they advise I can also get it at other ticket offices. Why can't the searches find these tickets? It took me some wasted time and a journey to find this out.

29 Dec 2016

Bus pass

A question about : Bus pass

My OH & I were born on the same day. I qualfy for my State pension next January at the age of 63. He has to wait until he's 65. So, next year I should get my bus pass. Firstly, what's the difference between a local & national pass? And when would OH qualify? I heard that he should qualify at the same time as me, but I can't find any information to back this up.

30 Dec 2016

Cycling posture

A question about : Cycling posture

I've been cycling for 2 weeks; last week I was convinced my saddle was too low (I could touch the ground when stationary with both feet flat on the floor). I raised it at the weekend so I was on tiptoe when stationary, however since then I've had terrible lower back ache.

I've done some research online into posture and setting up the bike correctly, however they all seem to think the saddle should be high as I have it.

Has anyone else had the same problem?

27 Dec 2016

Red Spotted Hanky problems; Rail Fare sites

A question about : Red Spotted Hanky problems; Rail Fare sites
