29 Apr 2018

Online trading spreadbetting and cfds

A question about : Online trading spreadbetting and cfds

My average charge is 10ps in and out.. does anyone know how I can lower this?

Best answers:

    25 Apr 2018


    A question about : ing

    Never heard of ing bank
    How do you know it's safe?

    25 Apr 2018

    Peer 2 Peer Investment goal

    A question about : Peer 2 Peer Investment goal

    I plan to invest Ј10000 in various P2P companies over the entire year - aiming to get around Ј1000 in interest/cashback by year end.

    Currently i have the following (Started Jan 2015)
    Funding circle - Ј1000 invested + 11% interest + waiting for a Ј50 cashback
    SavingStream - Ј2000 + flat 12% interest
    FundingSecure - Ј1150 + 12.5%

    Interest earned till now - Ј25

    24 Apr 2018

    Move S and S ISA?

    A question about : Move S and S ISA?

    (sorry posted on wrong board - Reposted on ISA forum)

    Best answers:

      24 Apr 2018

      How safe is internet banking?

      A question about : How safe is internet banking?

      I am looking to open a high interest savings account. However the majority of the good ones are internet only.

      Is it really that safe to conduct your transactions via the net with al the hackers etc flying around?

      I have phoned Ing for their information pack but it is taking an age to get here and judging by a comment read in another thread, I am beginning to wonder whether to try elsewhere



      27 Apr 2018

      [Euro] Investment in Italy. When to sell it?

      A question about : [Euro] Investment in Italy. When to sell it?

      Hi everybody!
      I invested about Ђ110k in Italy two years ago and now, if I sell them, I should obtain about Ђ165k. Apart from that, I receive with this investment about Ђ6k net per year. Since I live in England now and I'm considering to use all that money as a deposit for a property, I was thinking to sell and bring all the money to the UK. Do you think this is a good moment to do that considering the value EURGBP? Any advices?

      22 Apr 2018

      Did you know? How safe are savings?

      A question about : Did you know? How safe are savings?

      If you have money in a savings account and it goes bust. !You are only protected for the first Ј35,000 (in fact you would get 100% of the first Ј2,000 back and 90% of the next Ј33,000). !

      26 Apr 2018

      Advice needed on Childrens investment

      A question about : Advice needed on Childrens investment

      I have been gifted a large sum of money which is for my daughters university education.
      Minefield now how to make sure the money works really well until she goes.
      I want to lock it away till she's ready to go (4 years) and now after looking on the site - it seems it is not as easy as I thought. wondering whether to just bank the cheque in her acct, and then move some to ISA's etc - or what really??? can anybody help?
      I just want the most return on the cash - but obviously NO RISK etc.
