22 Feb 2018

A question about : Fraud......

Okay, this isn't really a money saving issue as such, but I know you all seem to know your stuff so thought I'd give it a go...
My Mum received her Capital One Credit card bill this morning, and she has three seperate charges of Ј30 where someones used it to top their phone up.
She's contacted Capital One who are sending her loads of papers to fill in, but does anyone know if she'd actually be responsible for this money, or is it the card issuers responsibility?
Any help would be appreciated....!

Best answers:

  • Quick answer...off the top of my head ???
    Look at the Capital One terms & conditions relating to 'use of card'. If, for instance, she could demonstrate that the card was 'used' while she really had it [card 'cloning'?] then I would have thought [BDQMOT] that Capital One will not charge your mum? The way to think about this is that whoever 'used' her card was really 'stealing' from Capital One, not her, and if that 'theft' was genuinely no fault of your mum's [because she never left the card unattended, for example] then Capital One can't expect her to recomplense them for their loss [so then it does't become her 'loss'?]
  • Commonly known as CNP (Cardholder not present)fraud, Liability will more than likely end up with the mobile phone company.
    I suggest your Mum reports this to the Police and gets a crime number. It's your Mums responsibility and not the card issuers to do this.
    Your Mum shouldn't have anything to worry about. After filling in and submitting numersous forms her account will be eventually be credited.
    What should concern your Mum is someones acquired enough of her personal details to enable them to carry-out this type of fraud. As a matter of interest you may ask the phone company concerned to supply your mum with the information the crook used to enable them to use her card details.
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