10 Oct 2015

Student Grants

A question about : Student Grants

Hi all
Just looking through options to finance university and I'm a little confused

I've read a story on the main MSE website
but it seems to say that I cannot get a grant if I live with my parents.

Is this true or am I just reading it wrong?


06 Oct 2015

'Separated' statutory declaration template/wording

A question about : 'Separated' statutory declaration template/wording

Hi, there. Could someone please provide or link me to a template for statutory declaration of marital status as 'separated'? I know that for statutory declarations for single marital status go along the lines of 'I declare that I am not bound by the ties of marriage and that I am not a ward of court in this or in any other jurisdiction' etc. But what do you write in the place of that for 'separated' marital status? Many thanks!

05 Oct 2015

Household Income

A question about : Household Income

Hello All,

To keep it brief: the girlfriend has just moved in with me. Her daughter is 20 and in University (1st year), and part of her student funding is the form of grants as gf is low income.

Daughter has concerns she'll lose her grants as my salary will be added to her mum's and 'household income' will go over the threshhold. Is this true? I mean, daughter is a lovely girl and all that, but there's no way she's my responsibility - I've only known her about a year, and she's an adult.

Thanks for any guiadnce.

10 Oct 2015

MSE News: Are you an Erudio student loan holder? We want your feedback

A question about : MSE News: Are you an Erudio student loan holder? We want your feedback

We want your thoughts on Erudio's revised deferral form and revised 'how to guide' on applying for deferral ...

Read the full story:

Are you an Erudio student loan holder? We want your feedback


Click reply below to discuss. If you haven’t already, join the forum to reply. If you aren’t sure how it all works, read our New to Forum? Intro Guide.

05 Oct 2015

Is there a student loan provision for private university/college?

A question about : Is there a student loan provision for private university/college?

My Daughter wants to apply to a private college, the fees are approximately 14,000 per year. She has been told that she can only get a student gov. loan of a max 6,000 per year. Is there an alternative reputable loan company she can use to make up the short fall?

06 Oct 2015

Tax credits/household income

A question about : Tax credits/household income

My son is shortly going to be appyling for student finance.

Are my tax credits counted as income or is it solely my income from employment?

Best answers:

    07 Oct 2015

    Glide Utilities Daylight Robbery

    A question about : Glide Utilities Daylight Robbery

    My son signed a tenancy agreement along with 4 other students for his second year at university in private rented accomodation. Their tenancy agreement was signed on 1st July, but they did not move in to the premises until 1st August, when they signed for the keys.

    04 Oct 2015

    Compelling Personal Reasons

    A question about : Compelling Personal Reasons

    Hi all. I previously attended an undergraduate BSc Computer Science course (2003-2007) during which I repeated my 2nd year and then withdrew during my final year. Under student finance wales rules this means I am no longer eligible for any loans, grants or support beyond the maintenance loan as I have used up my 3+1 gift year. This is extremely unhelpfulas I'm hoping to attend a local university as a mature student this September.
