28 May 2016

Sick leave as a criterion

A question about : Sick leave as a criterion

My workplace are restructuring so redundancy is in the air.

From some research it seems that sick leave is almost always used as a criterion when selecting individuals to be made redundant.

It seems like there are various scenarios for how employers actually use this criterion e.g.:

1. They score you on sick leave

2. They ignore sick leave that's been certified with evidence like a doctors note and score you on self certified sick leave.

29 May 2016

Redundancy and mortgages

A question about : Redundancy and mortgages

I was recently made redundant we have enough savings to see us through the next seven months comfortably but I am wondering if I should contact my mortgage company 'just in case'. We are taking the opportunity to sell our house and move out of London where we will require a much smaller mortgage but I am concerned that switching to an interest only mortgage could affect my credit rating. Does anyone have an experience or advice? Thanks

Best answers:

    29 May 2016

    Redundancy Notice Period

    A question about : Redundancy Notice Period


    I wonder if anyone can help. I am being made redundanttitle=Frown, but have another job lined uptitle=Jumping. I have a 3 month notice period, which my new employer is aware of. The consultation period has ended, with the decision to close the office delivered today (though we'd known for weeks).

    30 May 2016

    Is Xmas the time for redundancies ?

    A question about : Is Xmas the time for redundancies ?

    Noticed there a lot of threads about redundancy.

    Is Christmas the normal time for making redundancies ?

    29 May 2016

    Redundancy Notice Pay and JSA

    A question about : Redundancy Notice Pay and JSA

    Hi All,

    I was made redundant on Friday (9/1) and my contract was terminated immediately, therefore I am eligible to claim 1 weeks statutory notice pay (I was employed there for 1 year and 3 months). However , I have been offered a new job with a different company which starts next Monday (19/1). Am i still entitled to claim notice pay? And will i have to claim Job seekers allowance for this week otherwise they will take out from my claim anyway?


    Best answers:

      03 Jun 2016

      Self Employed and Occupational Pension

      A question about : Self Employed and Occupational Pension

      This has been posted in another thread but might get lost.

      I chucked my old job and became self employed. As a self employed sole trader, I completed a self assessment tax return.

      I will now be in receipt of an occupational pension (OP) from my old employer this year.

      This is additional income plus a lump sum.

      Income tax will be deducted from my OP at source. How do I combine my current self assessment and at source tax payments?

      Best answers:

        28 May 2016

        Tax advise

        A question about : Tax advise

        Hi all, don't know if this is the correct place to post this, I have been informed I am to be made redundant this year after 36 years service, I am at the moment working my 12 weeks notice, this will finish on the 31st of March 2015.
        I currently pay 40% tax on my salary and company pension combined.
        34,000 salary tax code 402l / 13,800 pension tax code br,
        Salary paid on the 20th of the month, pension paid 1st of the month.
        Redundancy pay 38,000 to be paid on the 20th of April I am paid under paye.

        31 May 2016

        Company Relocating

        A question about : Company Relocating

        My company is relocating 23 miles away and laying on a mini bus for the workerts on our shift, someone mentioned that they had to change your contract and that you had to agree to the move or they had to offer redundancy, is this correct?
