20 May 2017

A question about : Zerowasteweek 7

Hi everyone!

It's a long way off yet but Rachelle Strauss, or Mrs Green to many of us, is asking if we can combine ideas to suggest a theme for Zerowasteweek this year.

She has the link to this thread and will pop in from time to time to see if anyone has any cracking suggestions. If one of you comes up with a great idea she may give you a mention on her site and on twitter. If you want to get a twitter mention leave your twitter handle here along with your suggestion title=Smile

Meanwhile Rachelle's also helping out with our New Year's Resolutions this year. Have a look at the full New Year's Resolutions list for all of them title=Smile

Best answers:

  • Thanks so much for posting!
    So far we have:
    Food waste - always a popular theme
    Living plastic free - a tough one but could be a lot of fun!
    Reuse - giving things a new life before banishing them forever.
    What do you think? Do you like one of those or do you have some ideas of your own?
  • I've started a blog about my attempts to reduce my landfilled rubbish (if anyone's interested the link is in my profile). Plastic is one I'm really struggling with so over the next few weeks I'm going to do some research into recycling plastics. So a 'living without plastic' challenge is indeed a challenge!- i
    One them could be 'reduce' ie think twice about buying something - is it a genuine need or is it a want? Could you do without or possibly buy a more eco-friendly version of this need/want?
    My twitter handle is @aweebitginger
  • Not sure its that "sexy" a theme but unnecessary and non recyclable packaging could be worth addressing.
    For example our council will recycle a lot of plastic food packaging but not black plastic and not blown foam trays. Morrisons in particular use a lot of the latter and despite raising it with them some time ago via social media, they still persist with it. Similarly certain things seem to come in black plastic trays for no apparent reason - why does most meat come in clear or white trays that can be recycled but ham almost always comes in a black tray.
    Maybe if we started choosing what we buy to some extent around whether the packaging can be recycled it would put pressure on retailers to cut out the stuff that can't be recycled.
  • I can't think of a lot of waste i have.
    The 'grass' wheelie bin gets full; even the paper/glass/tins one. But the wheelie bin for general rubbish only has about a carrier bag full each week.
  • It's our fortnighly waste collection day tomorrow and I shan't bother putting any of the bins out again as there's really no need.
    I am very thorough about recycling. I won't even throw out veg peelings / stalks as I save them in a bag in the coldest part of the fridge ready to chuck in a pan when I boil a chicken carcass to make stock for soups.
    My big bug bear is plastic packaging. Yes it's possible to avoid some of it at the Supermarket, but often at a cost as Supermarket pre-packed fresh veg is usually cheaper, especially when subject to 3 for 2 offers etc.
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