29 Jul 2016

A question about : xbox 360 250gb

Hi, does anyone know of any special deals available for the xbox 360 250gb? My son has been saving up and would like this and the 12months live gold but I cant find any really good deals and it appears we could have got it much cheaper at Christmas than we can now!


Best answers:

  • No all his friends have the current one and the new one is way more expensive anyway.
  • You will probably find that 'all of his friends' will have the new one when it comes out. And you will have a whiney kid on your hands!
    Well, if hes anything like my little brother-in-law anyway!
  • Hmm I know I do keep thinking that but this is his own savings from Christmas and Birthday and he wants it in his bedroom. Would take some time to save for the new one as it's double the price. I'm just frustrated that even though the new one is on it's way they don't seem to be putting any offers on the current one!
  • You can pick up a pre-owned 250gb console for Ј110 at game.
    Most come with the original box - perfect if it is a present. You also get the leads you require and a controller. You might need an HDMI cable though, dpending on the TV you will use it on.
  • I suggest going for a slim, as they are more reliable and less likely to RROD.
  • If he has the money it's a good idea to go for the 360 now as the games Are cheap for it now, so for the price of 1 Xbox one game, he could pick up 4/ 5 new or used games for the 360, the 360 will be going strong for another couple of years, they are even bring out new games for it, this will give him time to save for a Xbox one or a PS4 the price will drop for then too.
    If buying new, amazon is good and their warranty return service is excellent, or somewhere like GAme for used, prices may drop soon as we get nearer to the new releases.
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