01 May 2018

A question about : Would like to work in Tesco, Asda etc but no experience...

I'm looking for some advice.

I was just wondering how easy (if at all) it would be to get work in Tesco, Asda etc etc, I have no experience of shop work but would be very willing to do anything.

The only work experience that I do have is just under nine years of office work, and I would really like to do shop floor work, does anyone think that they would even consider me, with no experience.

All help and advice would be much appreciated.


Best answers:

  • The Asda near me are always looking for various staff. I doubt there are any qualifications required, just go and have a chat with them.
    Don't go to Tesco though. We don't want MSE-ers correcting all the misprices before we can get to them!
  • work experience is not essential for working in supermarkets, as long as you have the ability to communicate to customers you should be ok. I worked for 2 of the major chains and they are good at arranging your shifts around you. eg. if you have kids there are always 9.30 - 2.30 shifts.
  • Hi
    My daughter works for Tesco. She's seventeen, so it was her first proper job, and she's been there for about 9 months now.
    She also had no previous experience, apart from a paper round, and participated in some training sessions before being let loose!
    Whats more they're very accommodating as she is at school still doing her A levels, so she works weekends, plus overtime through the school holidays and evenings!
    And it's a bonus, cos i get to use her privellege card, so 10% off purchases, plus clubcard vouchers, and then at xmas and such like they give the staff books of tesco money off vouchers, discount vouchers for other shops, and all sorts off other goodies, which she gives to me.
  • Thanks for your replies ! I will try to get through tomorrow and if not I will def go through next week and ask if there's anything going.
    If anyone else has any advice tips etc that would be great also !!!
  • I'd give Asda a miss.
    My daughter went for an interview there and they spent the whole time standing in circles jumping up and down and shouting slogans. Apparently they do it every day before work.
    They weren't impressed when my daughter pointed out that we live in England not the USA.
    Waitrose can be a good one to work for as the bonuses can be good.
  • hey, i work at asda.
    no you dont need qualifacations just people skills and even then you can learn these on the jo. there are many different roles in supermarkets not just stacking shelves. theres reception and office work. clothing, bakery and if you find your department doesnt suit you. its really easy to move departments.
    just reading a post that says you have rto run around in cirles and shout slogans...this isnt true at all. your given team building tasks in the welcome day but these r only things like ..your given n item and you have to try and sell it. i found the welcome day great fun!
    get an application!!!
  • I started working for Sainsburys almost five years ago. I went there after a twelve year break from working whilst I raised the children. Prior to that I had worked for eleven years as a civil servant, left to have the children. After I decided I wanted to work again I wanted a job that was flexible, and wasn't mind numbing. I am contracted for 16 hours as are most of my colleagues but overtime is nearly always available.
    I had never worked in a shop before. I also thought references would be a problem but they weren't that worried. I also applied for a job at Asda at the same time. I was offered both but Sainsburys was better suited to me as it was nearer and was also spread over two eight hour shifts , as opposed to Asda that was again 16 hours but one eight hour saturday that ended at 10pm and two four hour shifts.
    Asda was a group interview, felt Americanised as pointed out previously, and involved team building exercises.
    Sainsburys was a one on one interview but involved a series of questions, multiple choice, ie a customer is unhappy with the lack of a product what do you do about it, then gave four options, two were obviously wrong and the other two were both fairly acceptable.
    Good Luck
  • I work for Sainsburys as management
    Get yourself an application form
    Theres also a questionaire with around 20 mulipul choice questions
    Youll get 10% off after a certain period of time which is increased for special offer weekends etc (excellent when theres already 25% off clothes) and 6 weeks paid hols a year!
  • How long do you usually wait to hear back from Sainsuburys and Tesco after putting in an application?
    I've applied to both as i left my job and need something stable and convenient, also the wages aint too bad really.
  • Where I am were very quick
    You should get a thanks for your application letter and a interview soon after
  • If you can walk and talk they will take you in any of the shops; The wages are so crummy tho marely above NWW. And to be frank they treat their staff pretty poorly , I worked in a Sainsburys and they were so nit-picky about time-keeping that I left. and sadly the work is mind numbing. Its worth giving it a try though as where you work and the people you work with can really make light of the day.
  • Its not as hard as it sounds when you are working with the items for extended periods of time, and its not like they'll chop your hands off for forgetting one. If its anything like other supermarkets they have a list of less common codes on a sheet beside the till but you are expected to memorise the ones that get used multiple times a day.
  • i've been for an interview for Waitrose this week....i've no shop experience either (last job i did admin in an office).
    Just waiting to hear if i got the job yet (its for a new store, so they've got alot of jobs going).
  • You dont really need experience to work in retail, all you need is to be able to learn new skills, have the ability to work as a group, youll get training anyway
  • You dont kneed to remeber the prices at aldi anymore we have updated to scanners.You need to be 18 to apply and the pay atfer 3 months trial with bonus can be up to Ј8.50.Everyone gets the same bonus because we all work hard.
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