16 Jun 2018

A question about : Work christmas buffet ideas?

Hello all,

I break up for the Christmas hols on Wednesday and we've all been asked to take in some food to share. I've been asked to bring in sweet stuff and wondered if anyone had any cheap recipes for cakes or biscuits (for a newbie cake or biscuit maker) who needs to feed up to 30 teachers and assistants on a I've been buying xmas presents all day budget. title=EEK!

I've all day Sunday to experiment in the kitchen so any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Best answers:

  • Hi, Loumac. You should get more replies in the Christmas board so I've moved your question over there.
  • My suggestion is to do a flapjacky type reciepe as the oats are cheap and go a long way, with different additions of choc chips, fruit and nuts naybe.
  • Nigella Lawsons courgette cake from How to be a domestic godess book, So easy my 3 1/2 does all the mixing and i just measure out for her, Don't let the courgettes put you off think Carrot cake, makes loads and everyone loves it, Good luck
  • make "Sticky Dippers", get some bread, warm it and add cinemon and sugar on top so its all gooey. Next make up some tasty white icing, cut the bread like soldiers, and dip in the icing...yum they do this at dominos pizza and its v.nice
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