16 Jan 2018

A question about : Will The Bedroom Tax Affect Me?

Sorry if this is in the wrong forum. I live in a 2 bedroom council flat with my 23yr old daughter. I am on ESA and my daughter is on JSA.
In March my daughter is going to spend time with her cousin in Australia. She could be gone for as long as a year. We do not know really how long she will be there.
As her bedroom will be unused while she's in Australia, will I have to pay bedroom tax on her room? I am really worried about this as I am on ESA, money is tight.
I appreciate any help.

Best answers:

  • Well it affects those who have children in the forces who serve in Afghanistan so there's a good chance it will affect you also as its not like she is going for just a weeks holiday.
    I think you will find that there are thousands of people in the same boat, on ESA, JSA and other benefits who also find money very tight and are very worried as the HB reduction will make Money even tighter for all those affected.
  • If your daughter's expecting you to keep her room available for her on her return, it would be reasonable for her to pay the small additional charge that will be required to do this.
  • Does your rental agreement allow you to take in a lodger?
  • As she will be away from the home, you will have to pay the costs, as there will be no proof she lives with you. You could ask her to pay them whilst she is away to help you out.
  • If you got a lodger it could be short term so if it didn't work out/your daughter came home early (although Australia is better both for work and such a great place you may be better assuming it'll be a year-is she on the working holiday visa ?) it wouldn't be a massive issue. Really though if your daughter can't give you a timeframe and knows it is going to cost you to keep her room I can't see she'd have a problem if she ends up on the sofa for a couple of weeks if she chooses to come back early.
  • Wow. Lucky her. Rent paid, cash in her pocket each week and managed to afford an Ј800 plane ticket.
  • There is a facebook group set up that has lots of advice and files to copy and send to your MP etc, to try and get the government to do a U-turn on this stupid idea.
  • The thing is, there is probably as much chance of her not coming back then doing so, so it wouldn't really be fair that this room should be paid and kept for her.
  • Would you be able to cope with someone staying for short periods?
    There are exchange students looking for hosts around here every year so it would only be for one or two weeks at a time.
  • With commuting costs going up, there's also more people looking to stay near work during the week.
    I used to stay Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs night as a lodger near work and travel home for the weekends. I'm sure I was a very easy source of income for my landlady.
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