29 Aug 2015

A question about : Wikivorce

Has anyone on here used it to do their divorce and is it any good? I don't mean just looking for advice, I mean using their actual divorce service.

I am aware I can DIY my divorce but to be honest the cost between that and using their service isn't much different.


Best answers:

  • I did diy for the actual divorce, but be warned the forms aren't actually intuitive and can trip you up. The people on the forum on wikivorce can advise though. You defo need a solicitor for the financials, and their service is cheap but a bit slow.
    PS the consent order service depends on you having an amicable and sensible agreement.
  • Funny how it's so easy to get married, but becoming unbundled is far more difficult....
  • Don't touch them with a bargepole. Our simple divorce took 2 years! 2 Years of mislaid paperwork, incorrectly filed paperwork and refusal to return calls/emails. The forum is great but the solicitors have taken on too much work and cannot cope.
  • I was wary of using them for exactly the reasons madvixen has said.
    A lot of local firms do offer divorce packages now for reduced fees - they might still be a bit more pricey than Wikivorce but you'd be able to physically go into an office if you needed to.
    I did my divorce DIY and it was reasonably straightforward with a few calls to the wikivorce helpline and plenty of online research. I did use a solicitor for our consent order though as I wanted to ensure that was right.
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