21 Apr 2017

A question about : Widnes: Food waste disposal??

I've been around a relatives today and did a mass-clearout of their kitchen foods as i recognised that about 40% of the tinned food in the cupboards were infact out of date, talking years and not weeks/months.

I was aware that we had a Veolia waste plant in the local area but after asking around it seems they won't accept actual food waste like this. Been in such a predicament about it because my car has about 10-15 carrier bags full of tinned food which is obviously weighing it down.

I was considering just using a local waste metal bank, but i would suspect that they don't have an intent on using these waste banks for fully used foods.

The only other option is using the standard black-bins, but they're already full now and aren't scheduled to come for another week.

At a loss at the moment!

Best answers:

  • Stick them in your pantry and then eat them yourself.
  • Tinned food does last years rather than months beyond whatever advisory date is stamped on it, so I'm with Nada ...
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