02 Dec 2015

A question about : The Wholly Roman July NSD Challenge!

Welcome To The Wholly Roman July NSD Challenge!!!

We are a happy (and some might say mildly insane) bunch doing battle with those retailers - and there's plenty of temptation out there at the moment. We are seriously committed to saving money, but nobody said it can't be done with a smile on your face - so we organise riotous nights out and gatecrash any function going - all without leaving the comfort of our own imaginations or armchairs!

On a slightly more serious note, we are here to help each other avoid spending for the number of days we feel we can manage to try to take back some control over our hard-earned money. What you class as a spend' is entirely your choice; some people will try to shop on the days DD/SO etc are paid, whilst others will not include essentials such as rent. Have a look for a post from our sponsor (and godmother of this challenge) BigMummaF, this contains some guidelines and ideas for starting you off on the challenge.

It's amazing how inventive you get when you're determined NOT to spend - from weird menu ingredients to surprising DIY solutions - but you know what? 99% of the time those wacky ideas work.

Just remember that mentioning the F word (f-a-i-l!) is not allowed,and anyone who does will have a swift visit from Shawn the Shark /!!

As July was named after Julius Caesar,we are pleased to announce that the theme for July has a slightly Roman bent,paying hommage to a few famous (and very funny) Romans!!

So,come on inside the stately Ennessddee Towers,pull up a chair,and let Igor,and his trusted slave Hubert sort you out a wine glass and some fine Roman snacks ie roasted gerbil!

Friends.....blah,blah,blah-welcome!! title=Big

Check out the prizes.....,and hoping for a good laugh along with the:

1st target,being a Roman minion... /

2nd target ,AKA Pontius Pilate... /

3rd target,none other than Mark Anthony... /

4th target means a celebration with Julius himself,AKA 'The Big Cheese'! /

Target exceeded will win you a chinwag and some pampering beauty treatments with none other than Cleopatra herself./

Best answers:

  • Some helpful suggestions and ideas to follow below from our sponsor and godmother, BigMummaF
  • Here is a link to June's NSD thread!
  • I'll add you to the list once you post your target!
    Aphidgirl 10/10 achieved! Target exceeded 11/10 achieved! Second target 12/12 achieved!
    Butti 4/6
    cw18 11/15
    Deaf Leopard 2/10
    donna dynamo 10/10 achieved! 2nd target 13/14
    fedupandskint 20/20 achieved! Second target 25/25 achieved! Target exceeded 30/25 achieved!
    JackieO 12/27
    jaxsmar 16/16 achieved! Target exceeded 23/16 achieved!
    kerri gt 12/12 achieved! 2nd target 15/15 achieved! Target exceeded 16/15 achieved!
    Knit Witch 10/10 achieved! 2nd target 15/15 achieved! 3rd target 20/20 achieved! 4th target 25/25 achieved! Target exceeded28/25 achieved!
    marmiterulesok 10/10 achieved! 2nd target 13/13 achieved! 3rd target 16/16 achieved! 4th target 19/19 achieved! Target exceeded21/19 achieved!
    Nargleblast 15/15 achieved!
    NewbieJosh 14/14 achieved! Target exceeded 15/14 achieved!
    Penguin86 10/10 achieved!
    Saver-upper 9/10
    sazzie23 13/15
    Shire Piskie 3/12
    slowlyfading 16/18
    StressedSteph 7/25
    stripeyjumpergirl 5/10
    supersaver1000 4/8
    t2rry 19/20
    worriedpenguin 9/9 achieved!
    xcarlyx 9/15
  • Just in case I run out of space!
  • Please post your in-a-row target and I'll add you to the list.
    fedup 6-in-a-row achieved! 7-in-a-row achieved! 8-in-a-row achieved!
    Knit Witch 4-in-a-row achieved! 6-in-a-row achieved! 7-in-a-row achieved! 8-in-a-row achieved! 11-in-a-row achieved! 13-in-a-row achieved! 15-in-a-row achieved! 17-in-a-row achieved! 18-in-a-row achieved!
    marmiterulesok 4-in-a-row achieved! 5-in-a-row achieved! 6-in-a-row
    NewbieJosh 4-in-a-row achieved! 5-in-a-row achieved!
    Saver-upper 3-in-a-row
    Shire Piskie 4-in-a-row
    StressedSteph 6-in-a-row
    t2rry 5-in-a-row achieved! 6-in-a-row achieved!
  • Woo hoo! Excellent, I will start with my customary 10 and 4 in a row please
  • I am subscribing but not a challenger at the moment. Once new job is started and new budget set I will join in a gain. Hope that's ok. Good luck to you all. I will be lurking in the shadows cheering.
  • I'm in again - June has been fab!
    I will go again for 20 please (and hopefully reach it with a little more ease this month!) but grind it up to a whopping 5-in-a-row
    Thanks Marmite
  • I'm going for 20 NSD in July
    I might be able to stretch it to 27 as I'm off on holiday but as I've saved up my spending money I'll be able to count all those days as its in a special holiday account/purse or envelope!
  • Salvete, fellow citizens of the Ennessdium Forum! Grab your flagons of red wine, your dormouse kebabs and your stuffed vine leaves for a celebration of all things Roman in honour of the one and only Julius Caesar, after whom the month of July is named. There will be debates in the Senate, feasting and jollity (after all, who says we can't have Saturnalia celebrations in July?), sacrifices in the temples (careful, Hubert! kerri has dug out her Roman sword for the occasion) and games in the Coliseum (we can either go in the Tardis to the real Coliseum in Italy or alternatively, Igor can do up the Ennessdee Towers back garden...have you finished knitting all those decorative laurel leaves yet, Knitwitch?)
    So, being an ever-optimistic Nargle, I would like to say a big Thank You to marmite for setting up the thread and can you put me down for a hopeful 15 NSDs please?
  • Got half a dozen to finish off Nargle and then we are done!
  • Please put me down for 18 NSDs
  • Hi to everyone in the NSD thread
    I have been off the radar and badly losing all my NSDness . Have had major car problems, drop in salary and a broken fridge which has led to me shopping day to day and we all know where that leads
    I have returned to this thread very much tail in between legs with a real will to get back on track
    On a brighter note I have swapped to nights which means far less pressure (If I'm going to be underpaid I may as well have less grief!!) which means 4 on and 4 off so have been able to get to mum's once a month and am rarely having to pay for parking so things are on the up
    I really need to do this but I am going away for a few days at the beginning of the month so please could you put me down for 10 for July
    Thank you for the thread Marmite xx
    Good luck with the new job Supersaver xx
    Wow!! Fedupand skint-20-27 inspirational!!
    Hi there Slowly xx
    Nice to meet you Knitwitch x
    Back on the 1st
  • Hi Marmite you're right. I shouldn't give up. School hols soon though. I'm going to go for 8 please. start new job today :-)
    Hi Kathy. Thanks and sorry to read you are havin a tough time. Hugs all round
  • Friends, Romans, NSDers... Lend me your... Nothing, because I'm a DFW!
    Thank you for setting this up Marmite... I can only imagine the fun we'll have with this one!
    Please could you put me down for 12 and a four-in-a-row?
  • Hi
    I desperately need to join this challenge. I have gotten into a terrible habit of nipping to the local store to get "bits" for dinner and coming out Ј30 poorer .
    If I get organised I know I can live off Ј60 pw food budget, but I keep forgetting to meal plan and get stuff defrosted in time.
    July will be my frugal food month.
    So........I have my YNAB budget with everything accounted for, so if it isn't in my budget it isn't happening.. FULL STOP
    So 31 days in July. 4.5 weeks
    I am going to allow myself 1 spending day per week, this will hopefully cover any kids school trips / expenses that I do not yet know about.
    So I am going for 25 days - 6 in a row please.

    As long as I stay away from the food shop I will be fine. I live in a very rural area and am at home all day so not much temptation comes my way. (except Amazon & Kindle )
    Good Luck guys xx
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