24 Jun 2016

A question about : Which electricity company offers best rates for air source heat pump?

Just wondering if anyone can help? I've just had an air source heat pump fitted and have heard there are companies which offer deals for such heating. I currently have a key meter with eon which I haven't had chance to change yet title=EEK!
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance title=Smile

Best answers:

  • AFAIK there aren't any special tariffs for heatpumps. As they run for most of the time then a single rate tariff is probably the best.
    So look for the cheapest and ideally get rid of your key meter as it will cost you 20-30% more than a single rate fixed tariff with direct debit.
    Also do your best to understand how the system works and do not try to use it like a conventional boiler. The lower the flow temperature and the longer you run it the cheaper it will be.
  • Out of interest, what type of property is it? Modern or period?
    Did you have any other remedial work done to the property? Updated insulation etc..
    Did you do an air tightness test?
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