17 Jan 2018

A question about : When will DLA be paid over Christmas?

My partner is due incapacity benefit payment for December 28th and DLA every Monday which will be boxing day, Will he get an early payment?

Best answers:

  • My DLA is due on the 27th but have been told it will be in my bank account on the 22nd.
  • My DLA payment is due on Boxing Day & my ESA is due on the 27th. Can you please tell me when both of these will now be paid? Many Thanx, Pauline
  • Based on previous years, the bank holiday thing doesn't always indicate when you'll get your payment.
    It usually works like this...
    Because the Bank Holidays mean that benefits due on those days are paid earlier (usually a few days before not the previous day), this means that ALL benefits due during those weeks get bumped forward.
    For example, I normally get one payment two-weekly on a Friday and my DLA every week on a Wednesday. Technically, neither are Bank Holidays (although the 26th is questionable).
    However, most years, I get my Friday payment due on 21st Dec on the Thursday (despite the Friday NOT being a Bank Holiday) because all those people whose benefits ARE due directly ON Christmas Day (25th) get them on Friday. So they seem to bump people forward (regardless of what they say on their website). I've been on benefits such as these for two decades and this is how it normally works. If you ring them, you'll be told any number of things ranging from "no idea" to "probably late" (depending on how mean they're feeling usually!) Even if Christmas day isn't on the Monday, which it obviously isn't this year, they still normally bump them forward to the previous week, despite claiming they don't! The "Christmas Week" principle applies to payments due during that week, nearly all (probably all) payments due that week will be early as I've indicated above. For New Year's Week payments, it can be slightly more random but always early.
    But, based purely on my previous experience, I normally anticipate getting my Friday benefits (which are due 21st) the day before, the 20th (Thursday). DLA can be a bit random but is ALWAYS earlier rather than late, ALWAYS, ALWAYS.
    So, it may be that Christmas week on Monday I get two payments (for that week and the following week), but that's harder to predict as the 2nd isn't a bank holiday, so they may only pay Christmas week's early (this part of my reply relates to DLA-weekly payments only).
    But, don't panic, they always do come through early. Ignore anyone who tries to ruin your Christmas by saying it'll be late.
    However, don't hold me to the specific days as they CAN vary.
    Hope that helps. (Also hope it makes sense! - it's because of the volume of payments - so, if they bring forward one day (ie a Bank Holiday), they tend to bump forward the previous day's too and kind of stagger them otherwise the BACS system goes into meltdown (as has happened occasionally with the DWP and BACS!)
    So, the trick is, keep checking your bank account around those days. One day, you'll find it's there! They won't pre-warn or explain, it'll just be there! Special DWP logic!
    (PS Signed up to post this as I know how worrying it can be and, on previous years, I've only found out how it works by relying on other people who have thought to post it, so I really hope this alleviates someone's concern or worry).
  • gov.uk/how-to-have-your-benefits-paid
    This is what I found hope it helps
  • https://www.gov.uk/how-to-have-your-benefits-paid
    These are the official variations to benefits due dates. Any discrepancies (other than specific errors) in when payments arrive in accounts are due to the processes of the banks or specific bank accounts.
    The only complication this year is that the 24th is being included as it is a Monday (therefore sandwiched between four non-banking days).
    Ignore any convoluted theories on how the the payment system works and please don't depend on a payment arriving early when the DWP has not said it will.
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