03 Mar 2018

A question about : whats the best thing to do?

Hey all, great site.

I am having a few cash flow problems and need to put down a deposit on a property after family problems.

In 2 months i will be back up to normal so a loan is not needed.

So i was wondering if it getting a 0% card would help for now?

If it would help, which one do you reccommend. I have a good credit history.


Best answers:

  • If you know what you are doing then it might help, but:
    - it could take up to two months to get a card
    - your credit history may already have been affected
    - if you are buying a property and applying for credit cards at the same time one (or both) lenders might ask questions
    While suggesting that anyone pays interest on credit card borrowing is anathema to me, it could be that in such a situation and for such a short period it might be your only option? Even with the very worst of cards what would the total be? To borrow Ј3000 over two months might cost Ј120? If it is truly only a short term problem then this may be a short term solution.
    Other than that, could you ask friends, relatives, your employer or your bank for short term borrowing at a better rate?
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