20 Feb 2018

A question about : What is Sacat?

Just checking my latest credit card statement. I have entries for 'Tesco Stores Sacat' and 'Sacat Marks and Spencers' that I have not seen before - these sacat transactions are additional to transactions in the usual Tesco/M&S format. Can anyone tell me what Sacat stands for or signifies - and why it has been introduced?

Best answers:

  • As above - type SACAT into Google:
    Self serve checkouts - I use my cards in my local Somerfield which has the self-serve checkout and it always appears in my statement with the name of the store.
  • Gosh, I was just wondering that today! M&S self service check out. The answer is always on MSE!
  • Interesting point to add to this thread is that, if you've got a card like Abbey 5% supermarket cashback or Barclaycard 2% supermarket cashback if you use the selfscan tills in M&S you get the extra cashback whereas if you use the normal tills you don't. Not that any proper MSE would buy food in M&S anyway, but I work next to M&S simply food and temptation sometimes gets the better of me!
  • Milk in M&S is the same price as in Tesco...
  • These SACAT things seem to have very small amounts next to them...does anyone know if these are additional charges?
  • It means scanning, when you used the self scan tills at those particular stores. Thats what you spent through the till, no additional charge. Keep a spending record and you will be able to check.
  • Thank you!
  • SACAT stands for Semi-Attended Customer Activated Terminal - it's the self service checkout.
  • Thought it was Self-Activated Customer Annoyance Terminal.
    One of the best aspects of a foreign trip is getting away from accusations of putting something unrecognised into the "bagging area".
  • I also have this problem and am glad to find the answer but why can't they put the name of the store in there. I always thought it was Sainsburys for all my sacat transactions as one bill confirmed but recently on my statement one transaction said Tesco sacat which was how I found myself here.
    They should think of their customers and include the store.
  • Good old MSE! Always an answer.Thanks all!
  • Am I the only one who gets annoyed at having to perform the shops job for them (scanning items and bagging them)?
  • a discount for using them would be nice!
  • I just don't use them - even if it means queuing for longer. If the staff ask me, I just say I don't like them. It's my choice - and if they take a way the choice then there is another supermarket nearby.
    Sure - let them offer a discount. No problem - I'll pay more to use a checkout with proper people. It's a lifestyle choice.
  • Must admit, if there is a checkout open then I'd rather use that than a self-service checkout as they are always faster. Having to remove each item one by one and place it into a bag and then get accused that the bag is now at an unexpected weight and having to wait for someone to check is very annoying!
    I foolishly tried to use a carrier I already had once and was asked for the receipt to confirm where I bought the contents!
    Then you need to find someone to open those stupid 'theif proof' cases and age restricted items.
    With a cashier, I can be filling bags whilst they are scanning the contents of the conveyor belt.
    So now I always use a cashier. Don't care if I have to wait.
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