22 Sep 2016

A question about : What do they do?

I was just thinking last night... pets are funny.

I mean, laugh out loud funny.

And then they get so cute when they look at you, when you're laughing, and kinda say: Well what do you think you're laughing about?

Or is it just me?

I was thinking it would be nice to have a place where we can share the things our pets do/ just did that made us smile (or go Awww, or go /, or go title=ROTFL ), without running the risk of being labeled a crazy cat person by the people at work. Which, BTW, I think is very unfair as they go on about little stinky babies all the time.

So, I guess I start.

MissyMoo (

I have no idea why, but the second you touch her anywhere (and trust me, she enjoys the tickle), she stops purring. Goes dead silent. And in a couple of minutes curls up to sleep. Odd cat title=ROTFL

This is compared to her brother Dexter (4kg tom). You touch Dexter anywhere (even scruff him) he starts purring, you say his name, purring - Once I looked at him across the room, he noticed - started purring and walked over to headbutt me. Stupid soppy teddy title=Embarrassment

Best answers:

  • My lab stays with us in the living room until we go to bed. She has a proper comfy dog bed on the floor in there yet once the last person goes up she takes herself out to the hallway and lays in front of the front door!
    She has done this every night and is this only time she sleeps there,
  • My dog really makes us laugh. He is a large breed and very clumsy and accident prone, so we have taken to looking up definitions of words such as 'chaos' 'havoc' and 'mayhem' and say that's him alright!
    Also, if my OH and I are feeling, how do you say.... 'romantic' our mutt will take it upon himself to get his toy and put it between us to play fetch. I threw it once hoping he would take it and be occupied elsewhere in another room, but oh no, he comes tottering back in with the toy expecting us to play fetch!
    There was one occasion where I attempted to sing and he just gave a deep sigh I immediately quietened down! When it's bed time, he pretends he cannot hear me, so I will keep calling him and telling him but he has selective hearing. Then, there is a laser light I use to make him chase, all I have to do is rattle it and then he perks up as if he is going to play again!
  • My cats are very boring and spend most of their time sleeping on the beds and always have done!
    One of them snores very loudly though and seems to have an obsession with chasing plastic bags and ripping them to shreds when she gets the chance. Apart from sleeping lots and eating, they do very little else!
  • My cat Barnes is infatuated with the 'Cat next door'. as soon as he is let out , he immediately looks up to neighbours bedroom window in the hopes SHE will be there. you can tell straight away if she is (or isn't)! if she is there - he struts across the gravel and inspects our garden perimeter, then sits on the top of the steps and gazes up with a lovelorn expression on his face..............he does that very well being a flat-faced Persian. oh, and she totally ignores him. always has, yet he doesn't give up - he does everything except magic tricks to get her to notice him. He has even been known to 'serenade' her!!!! he particularly likes to go out just as soon as he has been groomed as he knows he looks his best!
    if she isn't there, he just sits on the decking near the house and looks dejected, picks his way over the gravel and has a half hearted perimeter check - then comes indoors.
  • I look after horses and one of my charges is a Belgian Draft called Pedro. If I tie him up to muck him out he puts his front legs through the fence to give them a good scratch. The look on his face says it all!
  • I was laughing at my Hound today.
    He was sat 'supervising' DH who was repairing the fence, but it was very windy, and the breeze was blowing his ears and jowls all over. He looked like he was really enjoying it too.
    I've barely seen him tonight, as we put his extra comfy bed in his crate in the kitchen, and he's stayed in there all night. Can hear him snoring though, had to turn the telly up lol.
  • My Eric is 17 and has lost most of his hearing. Because he can't hear himself he has developed a really loud meow! He sits on the upstairs landing with his bottom and tail overhanging the edge of the stair. He can't hear me coming up stairs so when I touch him he's startled and emits such a loud cry, I'm sure the neighbours must hear him !
  • My two adult cats don't get up to much, apart from the falling Off the windowsill.
    The kitten is at the lets see how far I can jump stage. The walking away and nonchalant wash after a miss always makes me laugh.
    She also has recall but only for me or my dd, say her name, she comes running!
    The cutest thing she does is if we don't shut the back door properly when going to the freezer* she just sits in the doorway looking at you as if to say hurry up and come back in I'm cold.
    *freezer is located in a brick outhouse that used to be the loo and coal shed.
  • One of my male cats is obsessed with human food, he doesn't eat wet cat food at all except the odd lick of the gravy, just sticks to his dry - but if you have anything he wants he will position himself in glare mode and sit there blinking at you but he only opens his eyes about 2 millimeters, I dunno what he thinks he's doing - psychic vibes?! He just looks all squinty.
    Loves meat, but his favourite is breadsticks, he swings off the door handle in the kitchen when Im not around to break in, opens the cupboards and helps himself - I know he's done it before I see the mess because he's looking at me from 2 millimeter slits. Guilty & hungry face!
  • Percy stole my ice cream (my own fault for leaving it unguarded for 2 seconds). I know it was him as the spoon got stuck on the magnet on his collar and he came in the room dragging it with him.
    He is also obsessed with one particular pair of my gloves. None of the others get a second glance but he will spend hours running around with this one pair. I often find them hidden in odd places around the house, when he finally gets bored of running up and down stairs with them.
  • Damian my male black long haired moggy - is known as the curiosity explorer. Shall never forget the day a BT engineer went up into our main loft & he had followed the bloke up the ladder(not a loft one) to see where bloke was going. The cat just behind him rubbing up against the blokes leg & he shouted down did U know you have a cat living in your loft! Is it a black one? Yes. Damian I called and his furry face appears at loft hatch, then down the ladder he comes. No matter what cupboard/drawer/door U open, if he sees it he has to go in it. He likes carrier bags & boxes & will play footy with any old bit of stuff lying around. Usually during the night. I see this as I need to take med's through the night. He'll be 9 in March.
  • My two monsters (giant cat and tiny dog) have figured out how to open the fridge working as a team - hysterical to watch as the dog climbs up the cat then swings on the door until it opens.
    I felt like a very horrible woman whilst gaffer taping the fridge door shut
  • Actually reading some of these stories has reminded me that one of my cats wasn't so boring in her younger day.
    Suzy is, and always has been, greedy. When she was younger she was very agile and worked out which cupboard the cat biscuits were kept in and worked out how to open the cupboard, tip the box over at the right angle so all the biscuits scattered everywhere for her to hoover up! I'd come home from work to find carnage in the kitchen and muddy paw prints all over the surfaces and on the cupboard door whilst she sat by her food bowl looking like butter wouldn't melt and trying to pretend it wasn't her! I then got a special child lock on the cupboard door and I'd wake in the night to hear the lock rattling! She's now too old and lazy to be bothered with moving much now but I do occasionally find a shredded plastic bag on the kitchen floor which she has managed to find in a floor level cupboard!
  • Tiny dog adores my niece and nephew to the point where he will let them push him around in a pram - lazy so and so went to sleep!
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