12 Mar 2019

A question about : what to do with a rebounder?

Last year I had some physio on the NHS to try and strengthen a weak ankle that I have twisted and torn the ligaments to several times. The physio recommended getting my own rebounder for several exercises. Someone in my area offered one on freecycle, so now I am the proud owner of a rebounder/trampette. I will be using it for the exercises the physio taught me, but wondered if anyone had any tips how else I can use it, I know some people use them for aerobics etc.

Best answers:

  • I used to use my rebounder for jogging in front of the TV. And sometimes I'd just dance about to my favourite music - it really is a great aerobic workout. I also have dodgy ankles, and found that doing these things on a rebounder put much less pressure and strain on them.
    You can also do things like squats on them, and that can help improve your core stability as the surface of the thing is less stable than a floor.
    Hopefully the trampette will help strengthen your ankle - good luck!
  • Is it a real rebounder or a mini trampoline? The book starbound by Michelle Wilburn is pretty definitive and i can recommend it.
    Also plenty of videos on youtube showing the basics.
    Is it a slow bounce, mid bounce or high bounce? I remember hearing one is better for weight loss and the other for lymphatic health.
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