06 Feb 2017

A question about : what to do with my fireplace?

Just bought a 1930's semi in a rural village and it has a lovely big chimney that bricked up with a tacky, electric fire that doesnt work. options are:

Replace with modern elec fire
Open fireplace
Wood burner stove

Opinions anyone? Open to suggestions

Best answers:

  • Woodburner, always! It's free heat if you can get hold of wood and looks fab. You can cook on it if needed too. I've just bought a little cottage and the chimneys have been removed but I'll get a woodburner in here somehow!
  • Thanks pink, i am edging towards a woodburner too, looks like it'll be autumn time by the time I do it, so can stockpile wood before then. just after others opinions, as i doubt i could get wood free anywhere though, may look into dual fuel burners?
  • You can get free wood from your own garden, growing stuff like hazel that needs chopping back every year. If you know a friendly local business who have pallets to get rid of (they have to pay for removal). Alternatively, a local tree surgeon might sell uncut and unseasoned wood cheaply. At my old house some of the neighbours used to drop wood off for me too
    I did have a multifuel stove but only ever burned wood on it.
  • Please don't get taken in by the free heat myth. You will need a forest full of hazel to fuel a stove.
    I don't have to pay for my fuel but there is still a cost in time and a not inconsiderable investment in tools, ppe etc.
  • Yep, go for woodburner. Fitted mine in December & used it nearly every day since. It is a bit of a luxury but great back up in the advent of a power cut and looks brilliant.
  • Is it a job you can do yourself or should only professionals fit woodburners?
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