05 Jul 2016

A question about : water meter

I will be having a water meter fitted in the next 3 months.

Do i continue as i am with the usage,or even use more,so that when i get my first bill,i can see if it is going to save money?

Or,do i start trying to cut down asap,but does this give a false idea of how much i can save?

Best answers:

  • Hey carl.
    I have been looking at changing to a water meter aswell, so I have done a few calculations. I live in the Severn Trent area, and I based some calculations on their prices on their website.
    So based on two occupants in my house,
    Domestic water usage came to Ј75
    Annual charge for the meter is Ј8.82
    Sewerage Ј50
    Surface Water / Drains Ј40
    Which would give me a total annual bill of about Ј175.
    My annual bill at the moment is Ј260, so I would make a fair saving. But should I wish to leave a tap running 365 days a year (for example), I wont get a steeper bill.
    So to your question, I would carry on with your normal usage, I wouldnt be conscious about saving water, etc. unless of course you have more people in your house. I reckon you could even have a couple of house parties, where the loo is going to be flushed every five minutes and still save!! I made some simple sums on an excel spreadsheet, but I dont think I can attach it here. would be interested to see how much you save though.
  • Just use the water as normal to get a true comparason, if you decide to go on a meter it may be wise to do little things like turn the tap off when cleaning your teeth for example, or when you wash the car turn the tap off sont leave it running
  • Can't really answer your q Lychee, but here's what happened when I changed to a Water Meter many years ago.
    I rang the water company who sent a lady out to explain what happens, I then signed a contract and she went out to the road and marked where the main stop **** was. About 4 weeks later a couple of guys arrived dug a hole installed the meter and re-instated the road, they took about an hour all in.
    At the time it cost Ј75 to have the meter installed. I think it's free nowadays, but my bills went from Ј27 a month down to a tenner a month, I now pay Ј12 a month, and I didn't watch my water consumption to any great extent. There is a standing charge but it's included in my current payments of Ј12 a month.
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