09 Jul 2016

A question about : Water bills cost cutting article

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Water Bills Cost Cutting article.

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  • Someone told me that with two or more children under 18 you can get metered water capped at Ј300. Does anyone know if this is true and what you do to qualify.
  • As an individual living alone in a house and with an eye on keeping water usage low with regards to the the environmental impact of water usage, I felt getting a meter would save me a packet in bills.
    After enuiring about moving to a meter, Severn Trent visited my property, did some digging - then stopped work. Said I was part of a "shared" water system so couldn't have a meter fitted. They then offered me a "saver" tariff of Ј250 - Ј40 a year MORE than my current tariff!!
    This was around 4 years ago and I've never enquired again. I'd definitely save a fortune by converting to metered water, but I wonder if anyone else has been refused a water meter fitting and what could be done about it?
  • I converted to a water meter about 2 years ago and I'm about Ј150 per year better off. I'm a lone parent with 2 children.
  • I'm just about to have one fitted. Hope to save around a tenner a month. More if I can persuade my lodger to have showers instead of baths, but think that may be a losing battle! She already thinks I'm weird for drying my clothes on an airer instead of using the tumble drier, and that recycling is odd!! She's from SA. Maybe they don;t do recycling and energy efficiency over there?
  • I want to get one but we pay Ј8.50 a month for water supply, and this seems very low anyway from what others have said, so maybe I wouldn't save.
  • OK, I have just used the calculator that Martin references in his article. I'm confused.
    I pay Ј185.42 this year for water services, and Ј68.22 for water supply, =Ј253.64. It says I can save Ј75 a year, which is 30%.
    But why does it ask for water supply AND water services? What do water services have to do with it, I thought the point was that I was charged per unit of water? But that can't be the point, if I am saving more than I would be charged to supply the water. :confused:
  • My mu mlives alone . She saves loads of money every year by having a water meter fitted.
  • Buy is not great if you dont know your rates, it estimated mine as Ј300 from my postcode. When I checked I am only paying Ј185!
    So a word of warning to make sure you have all your details handy.
  • Waterbaby - it's probable that water services is your sewerage charge. When you are on a meter it is assumed that your sewerage costs will equal your water usage (as what goes in must come out!)
  • They are separate companies though, my water services and water supply. The water services company doesn't have anything to do with the meter do they?
  • My daughter and her husband have a water meter and 2 children under 7.
    Their water bills are twice as high as ours unmetered.
  • I had a meter fitted a few years ago and I think it has saved me hundereds of pounds. As the sewerage charges are based on your metered supply, (what comes in must go out), if you can prove that water supplied does not go out you can get a discount on your sewerage charge. As I have a large garden that needs a lot of water in the Summer (hose pipe bans permitting), I submitted 1 years worth of meter readings at 1 month intervals. The water company worked out what went onto the garden. I now get a 27% discount on my sewerage charge as well as the surface water disposal rebate. My annual charge is about Ј150 p.a.
  • hi im new here we are on a water meter (anglian water)and somebody told us about aqua care because we have tree young children and get tax credit i applied for it and now we are saving Ј10 a month hope this helps somebody there must be other water compines doing something like this trouble is they dont tell you so you have to find out yourself
    good luck
  • I've had a water meter fitted in 2 houses now. In the first my bills went from Ј26 per month to Ј8 and I still got a refund when I left! In the 2nd house, it went from Ј49 per month to Ј14. I'm in a 1 bed house on my own. (Sad I know). But what a saving!
  • We moved in 2000 from a new build house that automatically came with a water meter to one without and had one installed as soon as we could! The water rates per month, based on our rateable value were Ј507 pa, on average with the water meter we have paid Ј285 pa, despite being a family of 4, with 2 young children and on average using shower twice per day, one bath per day, dishwasher every other day, washing machine for at least 6 loads a week.
    We are out at school/work most days, but even so we would have to go some to be rack up our costs to the equivalent of the rateable value based version!
  • When I moved house last year we changed to Southern Water and had to pay Ј48.75 per month for our water supply. There are 2 of us in our house. We changed to a water meter and currently pay Ј4.95 per month. A massive annual saving of Ј525.60!!!
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