08 Jul 2016

A question about : Water Bill Query

Hello all,

I moved into a new flat last month. I rang the utilities companies to tell them and the water company wants me to pay a full years rate by the 1st of February, even though I wasn't living at the property in April-July. They then say they will send me a new bill in April next year and as I am moving out at the end of June, expect me to pay those months as well. So although the tenancy is for 11 months, they want me to pay 15 months of water. Surely I should only pay for 11 months and not 15?

Any help would be appreciated.

Best answers:

  • Welcome to the forum.
    For properties without a meter you have to pay for the year to 01 April in advance; although most(all?) allow two payments 50% on 01 April and 50% 01 Oct.
    You say you were 'not living at the property' April to July; does that mean you had no responsibility for the flat for that period? In that case the previous occupant/landlord is responsible for the period until your lease started.
    If you write to the water company(don't phone) with a copy of your rental agreement you should be re-billed for the period when your lease started to 01 April 2015.
    Next April(2015) you will get a 12 month bill to April(2016); that is computer generated. If you are not extending your lease you will have to contact the water company again with your leaving date.
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