02 Mar 2018

A question about : VANQUIS BANK

I have had a Vanquis credit card for 6 months now and am aware of their high interest and other negatives. But, what gets me is that when you need particular advice on say a matter of security, a credit card fraud/scam, Vanquis Bank seem disinterested! There is literally no one to speak to in this particular area, with no special telephone number to ring for advice or to voice one's concern which incidentally afects all of us legit internet users.

In my case I have now sent out letters with documentary evidence to Vanquis Security Dept., the address of which was only given after I had to press for this information as I needed Vanquis to urgently stop the unauthorised debits that are being applied to my Visa card by a scam company, totalling £101 to-date.

I feel absolutely out on a limb here with Vanquis Bank, with no support or advice from them. I had to request a block on my credit card and then again request to close that visa card and for them to re-issue me with a new card number.

Again all this I had to request myself so I am becoming really concerned now when I think Vanquis might not even bother to put a stop to this rogue company stealing money from my credit card, I cannot afford! Vanquis have no separate number for their Security Dept. for information or to see they got my documents safely, I just have to sit tight and wait and for Vanquis' reply!! It's all so depressing.

I'm still not certain that if a credit card is cancelled, can the scammer still apply monthly debits to that card? When asking Vanquis about that, two of the telephone staff gave contradictory answers. One was, they were not certain and the other Vanquis could not!!

If anyone here has had a similar experience with Vanquis Bank and security issues with their card, I would be pleased to hear your views.
With thanks!

Best answers:

  • There are many gripes about vanquis expressed on this very forum. Lots of bad expereiences by a fair few people.
  • CPA can still be taken as per the banks t&c's. I think that you have taken the best action
  • I've had my Vanquis card for two and a half years and have never had any problems with their customer service.With all things in life,from time to time things go wrong..........spectacularly
  • hi, thank you for providing about CPP's which I was not aware of.
    I would like to ask you another question if that's OK and that is if I ask Vanquis to FREEZE my new card to be issued shortly [as well as my old card a at Ј300 - my credit limit] would that have the effect of preventing further CPP debits being applied to my Vanquis card or is that a no no!?
    I have sent letters to this lousy company in the US to their two US addresses which will take around a week to arrive and there is nothing to stop Tan Thin from pretending they did not receive my letters in view of their dire selling tactics.
    I am going to phone them at their US number [that will cost me a bit!] just to tell Tan Thin to cancel my membership number but I'm not sure what to expect here!
    If you can clarify my CPP question above, that would be helpful and much appreciated.
  • Vanquis!! Oh no!!!!!!!!!
  • I have just had what I think is another scam by Vanquis Bank. Just bought a new iPhone, and within 1 day of receiving it, I got a text message from Vanquis saying I had missed a monthly payment and that I needed to pay them via debit card *now*. I called them to question this as I had no idea who they were, and they replied that I must have given my new (less than a day old) telephone number to them - which I clearly hadn't. When I pointed this out, the lady on the phone asked me for my postcode, which I gave, and my mobile no. I gave both, but refused to give them my address - she couldn't provide an explanation as to why she wanted this.
    Do you think this is the type of thing I should report to my local trading standards, or should I take this up with Carphone Warehouse as they have either sold my details on or issued me with someone else's very recent mobile number?
  • TanThin ripped me off BIG TIME! I put in a complaint with the BBB of Northern Nevada and they are looking into these Scam artists. I also did not get charged another month by TanThin after submitting my complaint btw... after they scammed two payments of $89.90 out of me before I caught it.
    Please, submit a complaint and lets bring these crooks down for good.
    Here is my complaint submitted to the BBB:
    The TanThin offer is extremely misleading and is a misrepresentation as there is absolutely no indication when you supply your details, name/address and your Visa details to pay postage fee of $3.95, for this free offer that you are unknowingly committing yourself to monthly unauthorized debits of $89.90. Since I received my free product I have had two unauthorized amounts debited to my Visa card.
    I'm also unable to cancel my Membership with TanThin as their telephone numbers 1-877-758-8831 and 1-888-553-1092 are no longer in service.
    TanThin's two emails received confirmed just the receipt of order and delivery and have no facility for replying and there is no TanThin email address provided on their website to write to cancel my membership. This is a total rip-off company and needs to be shut down.
    hi, thank you for providing about CPP's which I was not aware of.
    I would like to ask you another question if that's OK and that is if I ask Vanquis to FREEZE my new card to be issued shortly [as well as my old card a at Ј300 - my credit limit] would that have the effect of preventing further CPP debits being applied to my Vanquis card or is that a no no!?
    I have sent letters to this lousy company in the US to their two US addresses which will take around a week to arrive and there is nothing to stop Tan Thin from pretending they did not receive my letters in view of their dire selling tactics.
    I am going to phone them at their US number [that will cost me a bit!] just to tell Tan Thin to cancel my membership number but I'm not sure what to expect here!
    If you can clarify my CPP question above, that would be helpful and much appreciated.[/QUOTE]
  • Dear me, a "magical" quack diet, weight loss cream and Vanquis in the same thread, those two products fit each other like a silk slipper and a virgin's foot.
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