11 Mar 2016

A question about : Unused allowance from previous year

I heard recently from a friend that if you hadnt used your 3k allowance of your ISA from the previous tax year that you could top it up, along with the 3k input of this tax year. I enquired about this at my local branch of Abbey National (which is obviously who my ISA is with) and was met with a blank expression.

Do I have it wrong? :-/

Best answers:

  • Yes - I belive you friend is wrong.
    Once i'ts gone - it's gone.
    There is no "carry forward" of allowances on ISAs.
  • Thanks for the quick reply
  • i find it interesting that abbey couldnt answer that one for you....the person you asked wasnt spanish by any chance???
  • Doesnt surprise me they didnt know. It may not have been an area that the clerk at Abbey deals in.
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