26 Jan 2018

A question about : Tutor...

I'm a maths teacher of 10 years who is slowly thinking about a change in career, but I have no real experience in anything else. I am thinking about tutoring to start with, but would that be enough to sustain me?

If not, I need suggestions....what ideas would you suggest?

Best answers:

  • How could anyone here possibly know the answer?
    We don't know how much you currently earn, how much you need to earn, how much local tutors charge, whether you can get enough demand etc etc etc.
    How about start tutoring on the side whilst you keep your job to see if you get enough demand to give up your day job?
  • I think there's a lot of money in tutoring. Someone that I was taking an exam with at an external centre last summer informed me that they were paying Ј50 per hour for tutorials! Okay, it was a truly difficult exam that was designed to select the very top candidates, but Ј50? I think most charge around in the range of Ј20 to Ј35, and probably this is misnomer because the average hours per week couldn't be possibly high, but it happens that sometimes you can do the tutorials in groups while the price remains fixed.
  • Maths teacher?
    What level? (GCSE? 'A' Level?)?
    Where? (School?)
    Why change?
    Depending on the reason, you might find teaching in a college a better choice of environment and also be able to develop your tutoring income.
  • I work as a tutor after deciding not to go into school teaching and I find that the work does build up but I have never really pushed for more than about 4/5 students a week. I'm sure you're already aware of this but exam marking can be a useful boost too, especially if you have the time to do more than one set of papers.
    You might try taking on a few students alongside your teaching job during the build up to this summer's exams to see what the demand is like in your area.
  • What about applying to Countdown to become Rachael Riley's assistant, I would certainly not say no to this and would become her slave if asked.
  • This can be very lucrative if your flexible and don't have many ties. A mate is teaching two billionaires kids to pass certain entrance exams. Some of the perks have been amazing but he won't be home until the family decide to go to their london house.
    According to my mate its a totally different world.
  • As already pointed out, most tutoring happens outside the school day, and there's a limited number of hours when families want it.
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