02 May 2016

A question about : Trying to Avoid Debt managment but company forcing me into it

I am trying to avaoid at all costs going into a debt managment plan but one company is refusing me off of Ј25 per month instead of Ј86 per month unless i go into a debt management programme. The other companies have been great and accepted my reduced payments as I will pay them all off, just over a bit longer period of time unfortunately - is there anything i can do about this one company without them defaulting my credit rating.

Best answers:

  • You will default anyway if you pay any less than the minimum repayment so get advice from a debt charity....do not pay a monthly fee or a percentage of your payment as a fee. Try Stepchange (formerly CCCS).
  • What company?
  • Home learning College - I stupidly took out course which I could not afford - have been paying them Ј25 per month for past year - now they have decided they are not willing to accept it. I have not even been able to do the course - which they will see as have not used any of their online help or submitted anything.
  • Sorry for accidently marking some answers as spam - was using iphone to check and accidently hit it.
  • Hi Janjel, thank you for your query regarding forced into DMP
    If you are concerned about the fees associated with a debt management plan there are companies who provide debt management plans who do not charge you a fee -Stepchange (formally CCCS) and Payplan. You are within your rights to negotiate with creditors yourself and there are template letters and guides on how to do this at www.adviceguide.org.uk but a creditor does not have to accept an offer made by you or a debt management company. Unfortunately if you are not making the contractual payments to an agreement you are still likely to get a default notice at some point whether you are in a debt management plan or are negotiating yourself as the contractual payments are not beign met.
    Hope this is of assistance.
  • Thank you, I did not want a default on my file from a debt managment programme as have just got my credit rating up to fair after being left in a load of debt by ex partner. This company sent a pushy sales rep to my place of work to sell me product which I agreed to. He told me it would be full qualification, I find out weeks later that it was not and I would have to pay additonal money to complete course. When I rang to cancel saying it was mis sold they told me that I could not cancel but would give me a month free as goodwill gesture. I then discovered a few months later I could not afford course at all. Because of the financial pressure and pressure in work I have not even looked at this course due to stress. I am now paying back a course which I am unable to do. I would never advise anyone to use this company.
    Thank you for all your help and advise.
  • If they are refusing your token payments - get them to write to you CONFIRMING this. they will soon back down.
    Remember, its YOUR money: you pay what YOU can afford, not what they WANT you to pay.
    Also, only a Judge can request to see your income and expenditure.
    Your CRA files will have markers on them anyway for the reduced payments you're making to other companies to be honest, so one more wont make much difference.
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