01 Aug 2015

A question about : Toys ... is everything now related tom a TV show

Although not just a Christmas related topic, this seems a good place to post my comment.

I was in a local toyshop today with my daughter and grandson. As a big kid (56) I've always loved toy shops.

Anyway, it seems 90% of toys that are now being sold have some connection with a TV programme, or film.

Sure, when I was a kid, these type of toys were available and I was given some too (gold 007 Goldfinger car, Avengers walking stick / sword) to name a couple but there were also very many non 'branded' items.

Even that famous 'block building' game ... many are related to TV shows. Buying a car or plane may be fun for a short while, but once a few pieces get lost, remaking the model becomes impossible. I remember having hundreds of blocks / roof pieces / windows / wheels and could spent hours making different things.

Am I just being a grumpy old man ?

Best answers:

  • I've noticed this too, especially in supermarkets where most of their (overpriced) toys are TV character related. I try not to buy them - or anything with a character on it - unless I know my child really, really likes that character. The lego is annoying too, I agree that once the picture on the box has been built it just gets took apart and is never able to be made again, since all the pieces go into the big tub and some of them are ridiculously tiny. I started buying some normal blocks off ebay but that's not very cheap either!
    Online shopping may be better? I got a catalouge from Mulberry Toys that I really liked the look of the toys in No character stuff, just lots of decent toys and traditional ones, as well as craft sets and science kits etc. Myriad online is good too, although expensive, but it sells very traditional things, hand-made, fair trade, some organic stuff etc. My children will probably get loads of charactery toys from other relatives at christmas (most of which I bin at the earliest opportunity) so I hope to get them things that will provide entertainment for longer than a day!
  • There are loads more kids tv programmes than there used to be, Barbie always churn something out every year, as do Disney, but i must be getting old because some of the kids toys available, i haven't even heard of the tv programmes!!
  • toys r us stock generic sets of lego.. usually on their 3-4-2
  • If some of pieces get lost, you may always buy these pieces somewhere
  • I read recently that a couple of years ago lego lost their patent on plain bricks which is why they push the kits these days. I don't know if that's true or not.
    I don't understand the amount of baby clothes with tv characters on too, newborn stuff with toddler characters on
    Edit- it is true that they don't have the patent on bricks and turned to branding https://www.cnet.com/uk/news/lego-you-are-dead-to-me/
  • There are more tv channels and shows now available all day every day, in the 'old' days before videos, let alone DVD and blu-ray kids tv was only on at certain times of day. However being a child born in the 70's I still had TV toys - Andy Pandy, Magic Roundabout and the Muppets being the ones I remember most. DH is a massive Star Wars fan and had toys from the original movie (still has some now). I do however think that you can't go anywhere at the moment without seeing something related to 'Frozen' - it's overkill IMO
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