06 Nov 2016

A question about : Tips please for a restful night's sleep

Just lately I have been struggling to get a restful night's sleep. It is not insomnia as I get tired and drop off OK but when asleep I am plagued by stressful dreams. I can't always remember them clearly but for example the other night I seemed to spend dashing between railway platforms missing trains.

There is no medical reason, had a check up and am fine apart from a sinus infection which is being treated. So I started on looking for remedies myself. i cut out meals and alcohol close to bedtime, read a relaxing book on retiring. No luck. Bedroom and bed are comfortable so not that.

I wondered if the dream types (usually missing or losing things) reflected anxiety about undone jobs or chores so I now clear them out of the way on a regular basis. Makes no difference. Monitored my diet. Nothing found to cause this disturbed sleep I have no major worries to keep me from a decent night's sleep either. But it persists and I find myself not wanting to go to bed as I know I will not get any sort of a restful night's sleep.

Anyone had this problem and got any hints or insights or pet remedies (apart from whiskey or brandy)

Best answers:

  • Could you be hungry in the middle of the night ? If I eat dinner early I often wake in the night and need a couple of biscuits before I can nod off again.
    Or has this started only since you've had the sinus infection ? Might be the infection causing the dreams or even meds if you are taking them. Some people have difficulty breathing in the night - snoring or in more extreme cases sleep apnea - both of which could disturb you.
    I had a serious "bout" of depression a few years ago and the only way I could relax during the night was to have the radio on low all night - talk rather than music.
    Have you thought about natural remedies such as Bach Flower treatments or one of those lavender pillow sprays or balm to rub on your forehead ?
    If all else fails, wake up your partner for "a quickie" - a sure fire way of drifting off to sleep after...
    Good luck, poor sleep can set up a vicious circle of anxiety affecting sleep which causes anxiety etc.
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