15 May 2018

A question about : Tax implications on second jobs

I may soon be put in a position where I lose my job :confused: basically I work for an independent estate agency with two offices and the office I work in opened last year and the two partners have fallen out. The partner at my branch I think wants to leave and go abroad.

I do earn a good salary at the moment where I am although I do commute a round trip of 60 miles a day so car/fuel costs are high. I have seen a job I fancy back in the town where I live but it pays Ј3500 a year less than what I am on now. title=EEK! Which works out to be about Ј200 a month after tax. What I have been thinking is if I do take the job I have seen and get a second part time job in a supermarket of an evening what would the tax implications be on the second job? Would I lose so much it wouldn't be worth doing?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Best answers:

  • You would pay 22% in tax of anything you earn on the second job. The Ј200 per month may be saved in you not having to travel so far to work each day - along with petrol costs you have wear and tear on the car. It can seem not worthwhile to take a second job as you pay 22% tax but look on the bright side.. you keep 78% !!!
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