11 Jan 2018

A question about : Tax Credits Helpline, unable to get through!

Anyone else having issues with the Tax Credits Helpline number?

I've tried ringing them about seven times since 1pm this afternoon. Every time it takes me about 2 1/2 minutes to get through the, mostly pointless, automated service only to be told that they cannot take my call at present and to ring again another time title=Mad

This has most likely cost me around Ј1.07p so far and I've got nowhere!

I'm trying to ring them to see what's happening about a change of circumstances I informed them about 5 weeks ago which should have all but eradicated our entitlement yet they are still paying the full amount. So, not being able to get hold of them is started to annoy me somewhat as I have no idea whether they have actioned or are intending on actioning the CofC's title=Mad

Best answers:

  • I think the lines are manic at the moment due to people phoning to renew. Might be worth trying them early or late, instead of the middle of the day. Which number are you using to call them? I have been using an 0345 number which is free of charge from my mobile, much to my surprise and delight.
  • Yeah, I've been trying the 0345 number too but from a land line which is about 6 odd ppp. I'll look into what my mobile company charge, thanks.
    Problem is that I work in the morning as a driver and don't get the opportunity to ring early....typically. Just annoying that they send you through all the automation to tell you that they can't take your call.
    I'd rather either be held in a queue or perhaps they should invest in a ring back system like some other large companies do!
    EDIT: Yay, T-Mobile also includes 03 numbers within my free calls.
  • They are open weekends too so might be worth trying them early tomorrow if you dont work saturdays. Hope you get it sorted soon.
  • I got through to them on my mobile phone at around 18:30 yesterday. Was on hold for about 25 minutes before getting a human being though!
  • i tried calling at 8am this morning, then every 2 hours sibce, i dont even get put on hold, just a 4 1/2 minute answerphone message then "sorry your call cannot be taken at the moment, please try again later" then im cut off. Very annoying. I would appreciate the option to hold!!!
  • HMRC were on strike today
  • Hi folks,
    We are trying to gauge whether the phone number for renewing tax credits - 0345 300 3900 - has been experiencing high demand resulting in delays or people just not able to get through.
    Please let us know what your experiences this time around (ie JULY 2012) have been like, by posting below.
    Also a quick tip - HMRC tells us the quietest time to try is usually in mid-afternoon
  • on the phone to them now, 20 mins waiting so far
  • 19 minutes from start of call to completing my renewal. Yes I know I left it to the last minute!
  • 17 minutes in total, but part of that time was 'Choose option 1 for this, option 2 for that' etc. Relatively short time compared to previous years
  • Took 40 minutes to get through on Monday, first 20 minutes due to being repeatedly cut off. Called back, went through 5 different permutations of their "press 1 for...." each one ending with "Sorry, we cannot deal with your call right now" and then cutting me off.
    Can't remember what I opted for in the end, but it wasn't the options I wanted.
  • Spent 40 minutes on the phone 3 weeks ago before being cut off. Tried to phone last week and got a recorded message telling me the phone lines were busy and then got cut off straight away! (At least I didn't have to hold for 40 mins this time!!) Finally got through last week by phoning at 8am when they opened
  • Hi,
    I will not have my figures from the accountant until Thursday so yes leaving it late to get in I know - but instead of fighting the phone lines, would it be possible to send in form by recorded next day delivery or even just guaranteed next day delivery so no-one has to sign but we can track and ensure it is there?
    I would take a copy incase of Royal Mail losing it of course!
    Would appreciate it if anyone knows if this can be done.
  • I have recently spoke to HMRC (last friday) but not because I left it until last minute, It is due to the fact I have just started working last Monday and needed to check if i had grounds for claim.
    Friday evening 5pm i was on hold for almost 40 minutes. however the guy I spoke to was more than helpful and I was off the phone after 50 minutes.
  • Held for half an hour, then ran out of credit!!
    It is always at least 20 minutes wait unless you call on a Saturday morning I have found.
  • I usually do my renewal by phone, but have tried many time to no avail. Where that is early in the morning, late at night, in the after noon. The only thing that I am noticing about renewing this year is the the Tax Credit Office are getting a lot of money out of my and many other peoples phone bills, as there is 5-6 minutes of useless information that I do not need before I finally get to a point where I think I am going to get through, and amazingly, there is no- answer my call. Filled in the form which would have been way cheaper in the first place.
  • I never understood why people dont just complete the form and return it. Its free, takes 2 minutes and saves the hassle of ringing. If there is no change or circs to make and you have the info required, its so simple.
    There is no 'quite time' at the moment, and the mid afternoon thing was true in June but at present, no chance at all. IMO, the best time to ring is a Saturday as its the quietest time, but still a decent wait before you are dealt with.
  • Just another word of advise - if you ave trouble getting through at home try from your local enquiry centre - many now located within town halls/libraries/civic centres etc.
    www.hmrc.gov.uk type enquiry centre into the search box and first thing that comes up is a link to the find enquiry centre tool. Enter your town and it will show your local enquiry centre and also has a link to the spreadsheet of opening days and times. All enquiry centres have phones with speed dials through to the main contact centres including tax credits and calls are free. Go to enquiry centre with your National Insurance number and income details and you can usually renew over the phone. Only works if you can get in during the day of course but might help some.
  • I rang today and took about 20mins to get through. The advisor did give me the heads up that their lines would be open Sunday this week so may be quieter to call then. hTH
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