14 Nov 2016

A question about : Support for people with Depression

This thread is a continuation of THIS THREAD

Clinical depression is a recognised condition that affects people in many different ways often altering the sufferers personality and ability to function in a 'normal' manner. It can affect thinking, judgement, and social behaviour in ways that cause serious problems and embarrassment.

If this support thread on MSE is to continue it must be remembered that not all posters on this thread will always be able to express their feelings in a nice, sociable way.

If you find the posts of any particular member difficult to deal with then the ignore facility is available. Just as one person may not be in a place where they can post 'nicely', another may not be in a place where they are able to read said posts.

Please remember that this is a money saving site and the following should not be discussed


see HERE

PM's are private and should not be posted in a thread

Please respect the fact that MSE allows this thread on what is a moneysaving site title=Smile

Other places where help/support is also available

NHS Direct



Depression Alliance

No Panic

Fellowship of Depressives Anonymous




National Phobics Society

Best answers:

  • There are some very useful links there Glad, thank you for posting them.
    As a long time lurker, I've read the previous threads religiously, I don't like posting as I can't deal with speaking about my illness, I also hate receiving sympathy, so I always enjoy reading AB's posts as they stir a lot of emotions in me, sometimes anger, sometimes understanding for my illness, but they never upset me because I know that nobody is more critical of me than myself.
    So I really hope AB continues to post on this thread, he keeps me sane.
  • again the powers that be seem to have mis-understood the problem. IMO the problem was not the disagreement / conflict between certain posters, in fact when suffering from and I hope we are all trying to over come our depression, conflict is good. If we feel strong enough we deal with it and help re-build our life, if at this stage we don't feel able to deal with the conflict, then as others have suggested use the ignore button.
    The REAL problem and again IMO is the un-warranted deletion of posts, some of us have posted some very personal thoughts on here well within the rules only to have them binned is very very hurtful.
    The abuse team is rightly named, they seem to 'abuse' the power they have been given, this is the THIRD time since dec 2008 this has happened.
    My very best to some very good people I have met on here, take care and get better. Sssssss.
  • Hello all,
    I came in at the tail end of the last thread, unfortunately during the "problems". As a result, my introduction post was deleted, together with many others providing support for you all. Contrary to what one poster thought on the last thread, I was not "recruited" by anyone. I consider the new thread a clean slate. So, here's my intro again!
    I have suffered on and off with depression for a long time, from childhood, really. It wasn't until I moved and changed Doctors that I felt truly supported, and I consider myself very lucky to have such an understanding GP. It is impossible to go into it further, as we are not able to discuss treatment (I guess that covers CBT, and that sort of thing). So, if the door is open, I would like to pop in every now and again to offer support, understanding, and share the occassional black dog day.
    Stay strong everyone x
  • Hi all
    Ive been lurking a bit and just got up enough confidence to make my first post. Ive had depression for about 8 yrs and also had troubles with achohol. I was recommended to this site so I could make some friends as I hardly ever go out and have felt trapped. I think Im over the worst now though.
  • Hi Space donkey - I hope you are well at the moment! There are lots of forums on this site - I get loads of good advice from MSE, from cooking, cleaning, knitting, shopping, and there are amazing people here, that I consider friends. I hope that you are made to feel as welcome!
    ETA - ignore the little ding dong above - it'll pass!
  • Hi everyone, I've a feeling this may be a long post so please bear with me. I have suffered on and off with depression since I was 18 (I am now 36), was hospitalised back then but fortunately managed to turn my life around, become a nurse and now have a job in private industry, married with 2 kids, but it reared its ugly head again when I had my first child 10 years ago, since then I have very much tried to lead a normal life. I work hard and have a supportive husband, when my children were babies I had PND and had medication on and off, then my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer and I lost her last year. I have managed to not spiral downwards again despite my grief and I guess for quite some time I have been ignoring the signs.
    I do feel so incredibly low and its starting to affect my work, I am finding it hard to concentrate and I am not doing my job properly, this is causing me to be more stressed, I have this fear I will lose my job and then we really will be up the creek even though so far my manager has not noticed anything different in my work.
    I miss my mum terribly, try hard to support my dad, feel lonely and incredibly sad and am not sure what to do really. I don't know if I am depressed again or if I am just low.
    I am struggling just to keep things going at the moment, the house is a mess but I have no motivation to sort it out, hubby is fantastic and I really don't know how he puts up with me.
    I just feel I have no motivation or energy to do anything, I am fed up of being sad and low all the time and putting on a brave face. I haven't been to the doctors yet because I'm not really sure what to say
  • Hi Milliemonster, sounds like you are having a rough time of it.
    The last episode I had was particularly difficult too. I found it helped me to write down how I was feeling. I took it with me when I went to the Drs, and it acted as a prompt so that I could get it all out in some semblance of order! I imagine we all know how hard it is to remember things or put how we are feeling into words when we have an appointment. Or perhaps just writing it down will be cathartic in itself?
    ETA: Is there anyone you are close to at work? Perhaps you could confide in them and take time out when things get stressful?
    Remember to take care of yourself, as well as others - you are important too!
  • HI Milliemonster,Welcome to the thread.Sorry you are struggling at the moment.It is not suprising you are feeling low after the loss of your mum.It may help to contact cruise as they are an organisation that help people cope with bereavement.Also as ZCC72 said it can help to write things down before visiting your gp,maybe you could print out your post and take it with you as it describes very well how you are feeling.
  • Everyone,
    welcome to Space Donkey and Milliemonster,ZCC72 to the thread,chat as little or as much as you like,I had a good evening and watched my Kylie Live in Sydney Dvd.I then looked for a cd I had which I couldnt find and I found it later on,thats after going through Drawers,My Unit,craft box etc
    I will chat tomorrow
    Night! Night!
    love and light,
    Katie xxx
  • Everyone,
    Hope all is well,I am fine today.Glad I made you laugh Saz.Hope you and Gilly are ok Hands you over the keys to cupboard where the Smarties are.
    love and light,
    Katie xxx
  • Everyone,
    I had a good day today,saw parents and then I went out to get Fish and Chips It was lovely had them on seafront with can of 7 Up.
    My poems are on sixtyplussurfers website.Go here to read them:
    https://www.sixtyplusurfers.co.uk/competition.html and scroll down the page.
  • Hello.
    Welcome to all the new posters. I'm Annimouse or more informally "Mouse". I blame Sam. You should too.
    Anyway, I hope the weather isn't too bland where you are. We've had drizzle here. I refuse to call it rain. The only weather that is rain in my eyes is a downpour and we haven't had one in ages. I want a downpour! Incase you hadn't noticed, I love ze rain!
    Anywho, Sam just got back from a partay and came in for snuggles. Aw, bless! He takes good care of me.
    Sas and I have come to the conclusion that whilst I hate resting and it makes me feel lazy, if I want to recover from this evil thing that is glandular fever, then I have to rest. >.
  • Hi Sazzi
    Until very recently, I thought you lived in the Lake District....near a tarn (small lake) called Larnden... honestly! Silly CB2
    You're right (post 65 - 2 March - soz quote thing doesnt work) about needing to be ready and in the right place at the right time before a person decides to get the help they need for their mental health problems.
    What do you feel it was that gave you the courage to pick up the phone?
    What would you say to others who might be feeling now as you did then?
    Have a nice day in Larnden CB2X
  • Aw, thank you Shaz for your kind words (post 1131 -26th March). I'm so glad to hear you felt so helped and supported by the Samaritans when things were desperate.
    We are just ordinary people! Just volunteers.
    Some Sams have suffered depression themselves in the past, so they know from their own experience what helps (and what doesn't).
    If anyone reading this is feeling useless and worthless, may I encourage you to take heart; with a bit of support your life can be turned around no matter how black things feel right now........
    www.sophieandrews.co.uk - Sophie's autobiography.....
    From Samaritan caller to Director of Samaritans (appointed 2008)
    May I say Shaz, from your posts, you have shown remarkable resilience and perseverance in your difficult situation.
    Do you feel things could change? What might be of help?
    If you need a break, you're very welcome to come and stay in my home and enjoy some relaxation and chill out time.
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