19 Nov 2017

A question about : Software

Hi Martin
Great programme.
Why don't you sell the software that you use on the programme and incorporate into the CD a guide to money saving tips following the principles of KISS!
I am sure people would buy it.
Keep up the good work
Happy Christmas

Best answers:

  • Its here already my friend on the guides tab - really good spreadsheet too Martin!
  • How do you all feel about using pre made programmes to help people budget their finances?
  • I think the accounting software is good if you use it and keep it up to date. The Budget planner is a different type of tool though and its free. It also is a one off planner, so its for people when sorting their finances rather than a on-going managment tool. They're good but many people dont keep it up
  • I never kept up with mine when I used it... it's ok to start with but it just takes too much time to put everything in it every day!
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