04 Dec 2017

A question about : single mummy and other updates

so as some of you may have noticed I haven't been around much lately lots of changes going on in the double household
firstly double daddy and I are now seperated and he didn't move to our new house with us
I moved house with the kids and am slowly trying to get it all sorted
I quit my job and walked into a new one without the games and messing around that they were giving me and I'm now an official manager title=Smile
got big one into the school I have been trying to move him to since September his first day is tomorrow
the insomnia finally seems to have given way title=Big

now begin a whole new load of challenges and I can't wait title=Smile

still trying and failing to get my Internet switched on here but hopefully I will be able to pop in occasionally to see you all who I have missed very very much xxx

Best answers:

  • Lots of changes there.
    Good luck with it all!
    Well done on the job xxx
  • Thanks ruby and everyone else xxx
  • Sounds like its not so much a lot of challenges but a bunch of new opportunities - you sound really optimistic about it congrats on the job.
  • weirdly for me I am optimistic
    always love your spin on things
    say hi to marleyboy for me xx
  • sorry to hear of your break up, there seems to be a lot of it about at the moment
    Good luck with the new job
    I hate you for that by the way I have never walked into a job in my life, I have had to beg and scrape my way into every one
  • luckily the break up has happened on very good terms we are still good friends and he is as great with the kids as he has ever been so I'm very lucky in that respect
    sorry torbrex I seem to find it quite easy to get a job I think it's the red hair no one wants to mess with me
  • Wishing you well in your new life! Happy life and happy children
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