16 Jan 2018

A question about : Single mum bein hounded

Hi I were wonderin if anyone can give advice for me at moment?
I am 22 a single parent of five year old daughter and was on income support.
Have been put on JSA over last few months and findin it realy hard with gettin a job and bein pressured. Last week i was warned I may lose some money cuz I refused a job, 32 hours long, it was 15 miles from my house an wouldve ment not seein my daughter for nearly 8 hours a day. Have told them I just want part time hours not full time, to see my daughter.

Someone said just hav another kid and they leave you alone, is this true? I want to work but dont wont this pressure and threatening my money. I also have dyslexia adn on medication for diabetis.
They shouldnt be this heartless and give time to find the right job for me, and my dauhgter.

As anyone got any advice please?

Best answers:

  • you say stopping your money for not taking the job?
    was the job offered to you?
    Or do you mean not going to the interview?
    You need to do want they say or they will stop your money.
    You can still go for the interview, it doesn't mean you will get the job but then they jobcentre can't stop your money.
    And no they will not leave you alone if you have another child, once the child is old enough, they will expect you to work.
  • I understood there were rules re those with young children etc
    What were the hours?
    Given the fact they are at school for nearly 7 hours a day how much did it impact your inability to see her?
  • Please please do not think about having another child. Being as single mother of one is hard enough. And you will only be in the same boat (if not worse) when that child reaches 5.
  • If your daughter is in school you wont see her all day anyway. Working 8 hours a day is the norm & something that plenty of mothers have to do these days. I work Monday to Friday but make sure I make the time I spend with my daughters special in the evenings & weekends.
    I don't think you're being hounded, i think the job centre are just following the rules. You can't expect to continue claiming benefits when you are fit to work & have a child to support
  • sorry but its time to grow up and get a job while your daughter is in school .
    You obviously dont want to work and having another kid to not work is irresponsible you'd still have to work in the mean time anyway
  • This post is a wind up ...for sure
  • Yeh! Have another kid! That's the way forward!!
    While your at it, why not go down the job centre with some crutches and see if you get DLA too!!!
    And hey!! When I get paid I'll give you all my money!!
    Oh hold on.... This is life.
    Get a grip.
    Don't have another baby you can't afford.
    Get the first job that comes along and THEN you can be pickier.
    Sorry for the harsh reality, but tough!
  • I became a single mum when my children were 18 months and 3 years old. I worked 32 hours and had no help from their dad except a few hours Saturdays and no family to help. I paid taxes some of it going to people on benefits. there are many more like me. why shoulda you have a choice to continue to be sorted with plenty of time for yourself? you were asked to work 6.5 hours a day not much less time left to spend with your daughter than if you were not working. Working to support your family is the norm whether you like it or not a choice.
  • hi im a single parent and my daughter is now 2. when she was 1 i started working 27 hours a week, i travel 40 miles a day to and from work and only see my daughter in evenings, i work to provide a living for my daughter, with the cost of petrol, nursery etc im only left with a bit more then i would be on benefits but atleast im earning it and providing for my daughter. as for being dyslexic and diabetic, i suffer with hypermpbility and struggle to walk, drive etc some days but i just get on with it because its for my daughter.
    before having another child think about what kind of role model you would be....
  • I am not saying I will be havin a baby for my benefits b4 everyone starts shoutin the odds, but some1 told me that if idid they would pay and take us off jobseekrs.
    I just dont thnk its fair because it has only been a few months adn they are being very harsh and pushing me already.
    Could I apply for the disbility payments with diabetis and dyslexia, also have severe migraine?
  • People don't make generally go through this kind of decision making process just to avoid JSA rather than IS -despite what the Daily Mail says. If this isn't a wind up the OP has some very severe anxieties about her ability to cope with working.
    OP- you seem very worried about the prospect of having to work to the point that you are asking if having another child would mean that you wouldn't have to find a job. In your circumstances this implies that the father could be anyone and you wouldn't become a couple and that you would stay on benefits? Is there a significant reason (other than wanting to spend time with your daughter) to explain why you don't want to have to look for work? If there is, you need to say so and people will try to help.
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