18 Jan 2018

A question about : Sign up to save AA and DLA

Both of these benefits are under threat at the moment under the new social care green paper. This is in fact a step backwards for the disabled, right now they contribute towards our independance - handing the money over to SS would make us immidiatly dependant on them. DLA was introduced because of evidence showing that disability increases living costs regardless of income - to remove it is to place a new 'stealth' tax on disabled people.

Stop us being the easy target for cuts in a recession - https://www.benefitsandwork.co.uk/disability-living-allowance-(dla)/dla-aa-cuts

You don't have to be disabled to sign up, this will effect carers too and parents of disabled children. They need 1000 people and only 100 days to do it in.

Best answers:

  • thanks for posting this
    this will affect many many people
  • https://www.benefitsandwork.co.uk/disability-living-allowance-(dla)/dla-aa-cuts
    Anyone seen this In the press ? I certainly havent !!
  • https://www.guardian.co.uk/society/20...itehall-delays
    These are also the first people that saw through government lies that said we would be paid more under ESA than IB. They truly do champion the rights of disabled people.
  • Please read the full information regarding this paper before going into a panic. There is a lot more to this (some negative, some positive) than the above link is implying.
  • It seems to me that people in genuine need will still get the help that they need.
    To be honest I think it is overdue that DLA/AA is changed because there are alot of dodgy claims out there.
  • whats AA ?
  • AA = Attendance Allowance.
  • I honestly hope you never have to navigate this system I don't mean to offend but you seem very nieve. I wish the system was fair but it isn't and in practice people who need help more than I do do not recieve it - that doesn't mean I don't need help with washing, dressing, having food and general other things people take for granted. No one cares about wether you really are ill, disabled, need help or are desperate - it's very hard work being ill.
    It is hard work to prove you qualify, very stressful, difficult - and according to their own rules after two tribunals I still don't recieve what I am entitled to but I was too tired to go to appeal again - which I was entitled to do but just couldn't manage, it takes years.
    I wish I was making a dodgey claim - as then I wouldn't be so ill - and the claiming process wouldn't make me iller.
    The rate of fraud on DLA is very low - it's a very difficult benefit to get.
  • Sorry had a bad 'moment' - shouldn't really take this off topic or make it personal - would just like to say that the only stats I know of show fraud on DLA at 0.5% (and underpayment at 2.5%). those were the DWP's own stats - granted the most recent I can find are from 2005 and maybe it has increased since then.
  • Thanks for this-I have linked it on every UK forum I attend (and there's a few of them!)
  • Thank You SuziQ
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